Chapter 25 - Guess Who Is In Town

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Jake's POV

I heard my phone ring, but I was driving, so I couldn't answer it. It rang several times before we finally reached their house. We pulled onto their parking pad. I looked at my phone, and Cris had called several times. I noticed a truck that wasn't familiar parked in front of the house. I called Cris back.

"Where the heck are you?! I have been trying to reach you. Do not go in the house! Get the heck away from there! Chase may be there! Take them to our house in Santa Cruz! I am on my way there too. I texted you the address. Get moving now!"

I noticed Kam was getting out of her truck. I started her Rover and turned around. "Kam, get back in your truck now! We got to go!"

"Why?" Kam looked over and saw an unfamiliar truck parked and noticed lights on in the house. "GET IN THE TRUCK NOW!"

Kam finally realized something was wrong. So, she got back in her truck. For a shorty, Kam sure knew how to wheel that big truck. She put that truck in reverse, and we both put the pedal to the meddle. I stopped at a safe distance and explained what was going on.

Chase's POV

I sat on their living room couch, waiting to claim my prize. "Cris's wife thought the elevator was assault. Wait until I get a hold of her and that body. She is going to be screaming bloody murder by the time I am done with her."

I heard some commotion outside like a car was screeching. As I looked out the window, I saw two SUVs driving away real fast. "Follow them now!"

After about 20 minutes, they came back to the house. "We lost them, sir."

"They are going to have to come home eventually. Hook up a tracking device, monitor, or something. I want his wife found and brought to me immediately. As a matter of fact, one of you stays here until someone comes home. Then, follow them. Call me immediately when you have found them."

I need to find out where she works and where Cris may be hiding her. Before I left the house, I went to their bedroom to find what I was looking for. "Here it is."

I opened the dresser drawer and found some sexy lingerie. "Dang." Just looking at that lingerie made me horny. So, I left to find someone to relieve this tension. Then, I am going to my house by the lake. No one knows where it is.


Kam's POV

It must have been dangerous for Jake to yell at me. I can't believe I did that maneuver in my truck. But, when it comes to my kids, I will do it. I'm not sure where we are going, but I need to follow Jake closely.

I checked in the rearview mirror, and both of my kids had fallen asleep. I'm not sure how long we have been driving, but it feels like forever. My phone number was programmed in the truck so that I could take a phone call. Thank goodness for the Bluetooth. Jake called.

"I'm sorry for yelling, but I got a call from Cris not to enter the house."

That can only mean one thing - Chase was in my house. The tears started flowing.

"It is okay, Jake. Where are we headed to?

"Cris gave me an address to a secluded place in Santa Cruz. We have about another hour to drive."

"Can we make a pit stop? My truck needs some gas. It wasn't full when we left the dealership. And, with that maneuver that I pulled, that probably burned a bunch of gas."

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