Chapter 23 - Long Time No See

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Songs in this chapter - 'Run The World (Girls)' by Beyonce

Kam's POV

The look on Jake's face showed that he was surprised. The look on Cris' face was that he was puzzled and a little bit irritated. Cris walked over to me and put his arms around my waist to say, 'hands-off, she is mine.' Can anyone say 'awkward?'

Here standing before me is my best friend from college. I had a few girls that were my friends too, but Jake was always there for me. He knew every guy that tried to date me was only looking for sex. We started dating his senior year, and at one point, it was serious.

It was so serious that he almost became my first - the first guy to have sex with. We didn't. Jake and I talked about it and decided we should just stay friends. But I wanted more. I found myself falling in love with him. I was too scared to tell him.

After he left college, I never heard from him. I worried like crazy about him - wondering if he was okay, alive, etc. I wanted to know why he left me and didn't even try to contact me. But, right now, we need to eat. I decided to break the quietness in the foyer.

"Dinner is ready, everyone. Please head to the dining room. I will be right back from the kitchen with dinner."

I grabbed dinner and went into the dining room. I made Pineapple Chicken Stir Fry with brown rice. I also made chicken nuggets just in case Dia and Rocco did not like the stir fry. They surprised me. "This is good, mommy."

"Thanks, baby girl."

Cris' POV

Great. Just great. I hired Kamea's best friend and ex-boyfriend. I need to chat with Jake later to make sure it is clear why he is here. The silence was annoying me.

"Sweetheart, Jake will stay with us and be with you 24/7. I need you to listen to everything he says. Jake has my number just in case he needs to contact me."

"Well, what about work? I don't think it is possible to have him following me around the hospital while I am with a patient."

Jake asked, "I remember you were going to medical school to become a Dietitian and a doctor. Is that what you became?"

"Well, I did become a Dietitian. But, the doctor part, not yet. I still can't get over my fear of needles. I work at Parkview."

"I knew that was your dream job. So, congratulations."

"Thanks, Jake."

Kamea saw that Dia and Rocco had finished eating. "I have dessert for everyone. I'll be right back." She got up and went to the kitchen.

So, this was my opportunity to ask Jake, "After we eat dinner, you and I need to talk."

"Of course."

Jake's POV

I know he wants to make sure that I stay professional and do my job. It's going to be hard, but I have to do it.

I must admit hearing his daughter call Kamea mommy hurt. I wanted Kamea to be my wife and mother to my kids. That is how much I loved her. But that was my fault. I couldn't expect her to wait around for me. And I am sure she has questions too.

When Kam came back, I already knew what she had made. It's her favorite and mine as well. She always made it when I went to her parent's house for dinner. "That looks like Hawaiian Cake. That's your favorite cake."

I could tell her husband was irritated.

"You remembered that?" Kam said as she cut a piece for her daughter and son.

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