Chapter 43 - Layla's Bodyguard Arrives

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Chase's POV

"Ladies and gentlemen, we just received breaking news. Layla Jordan was rushed to the hospital today. While at the movie theater in The Palm Willow Resort and Spa, some monster threw a piece of contaminated glass at her. She is currently in critical condition at Diamond Grove General Hospital. Our thoughts and prayers are with Layla and her family."

There is only one person that I can think of who did this - Miranda. She is a walking dead woman.

"When I find her, she is going to have the same fate as Candi. When are people going to stop testing me?"

I got on my phone and made a quick phone call to the receptionist's desk.

Kam's POV

We saw Austin and Braelyn coming back into the waiting room. Braelyn was in tears. I saw the expression on Ryan's face, so I offered to go with him to see Layla.

"Ryan, I can go with you if you would like."

"Yes, I would like some company. Thanks, Kam."

"Before you go, Kamea, please do not stress yourself when you go in. I do not want to have you admitted, understand?"

"I promise, handsome. Come on, Ryan. Let's go."

I noticed how scared Ryan was, so I grabbed his arm. "Layla is a fighter, Ryan - literally, she is. She almost beat Miranda up at the resort. Layla will fight through this. I just know it."

He was in deep thought about something, so he asked me, "Since you are Layla's best friend, do you think she would elope with me? We would still have our wedding in April."

"I think she would. You both could do what Cris and I did. He had just asked me to be his girlfriend. But I didn't want to wait for a while until a wedding. I already knew he was the one for me. So, I asked him if we could get married. And, then, have a ceremony for family and friends."

"That sounds like a great idea. After what happened in Milan and here, I want us to be together now more than ever. And before we were going to have a big wedding in April. But, now I am thinking small with just family and friends."

While Ryan and I were talking, we heard a soft moan. "Ryan? Kam? My neck hurts."

He pulled our chairs close to Layla's bed. "Don't try to move, love. You were rushed to the hospital."

He felt her forehead and said Layla was burning up. The nurse came in and saw Layla open her eyes. "She said that her neck hurts, and she is burning up."

"Okay. I will be right back with some more medicine for her."

The doctor that operated on Layla came in. "Layla, we have some medicine for your neck and your fever."

"W-where's Braelyn?"

"She is out in the waiting room with Austin. Layla, I called your mom and dad. They are flying down to Florida in the morning. Ryan's parents are coming too."

"T-thanks, Kam."

"Anytime, babe. I'll get her. "

I left the room to get Braelyn. She really is a sweetie pie. She was talking to everyone with a big smile on her face. "Braelyn, sweetie, mommy opened her eyes. She wants to see you."

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