Chapter 29 - The Rescue

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Jake's POV

Cris tried dialing my phone, but I couldn't answer it because I was trying to keep up with the Suburban. So, then he tried Kam's number, which is programmed in the Escalade.

So, I just started talking. "Cris, it happened so fast. Kam was coming out of her doctor's office. And as I started approaching her, this guy walked up to her, grabbed her, and put a surgical knife to her throat. They drove off in a red Chevy Suburban. I am in Kam's truck now on their tail."

"Jake, get my wife! I don't care how you do it. I want her back!"

"I promise you. I will get her back!" Then, Cris hung up.

These people were ducking in and out of traffic, but I kept up with them. I kept blowing the horn so people would get out of the way. "Move!" I know the people couldn't hear me, but I made sure they heard the horn.

I may be a tough guy, but tears started streaming down my face as I kept driving. Kam finally has what she wants and is pregnant. Then this happens? I have to find her and fast! I was right on their tail, and then all of a sudden, this stupid slowpoke turned in front of me. I had my hand on that horn, screaming for them to move. "Move out of the freaking way!"

I saw the Suburban make a right turn. "Screw this!" I wound up driving on the sidewalk and made the right turn. "Dang, I think I lost him."

I kept driving until I saw the abandoned Suburban. It pulled off into an abandoned building's parking lot. So, I stopped the truck and got out. I called Cris and told him to call the police and gave him the location. "Cris, whoever took Kam is not bright. So, I can safely say it is not that Chase character."

"I think it is that Reed guy." I thought to myself as I searched the building. I need to be careful. Who knows how many people he has with him?

Reed's POV

I think we lost them when that car turned in front. Kam was screaming at the top of her lungs as I dragged her into the building. "Shut up! It's too late to scream now! Cris is never going to find you!"

Dang, I let that slip. I doubt she knows who I am. "Ouch! You just bit me!" I smacked her in the face.

"Why did you make me smack you? It's your own fault." I should have gagged her, but it's not too late. I threw her on the bed in the room she was being kept in.

"Who are you, and why are you doing this to me? Whoever you are, please let me go! I'm pregnant! And I think I have to throw up!"

"You see, Kam, I can't let you go! You owe me! That should be my baby!"

"How do you know who I am? And I don't owe you nothing!"

"You do owe me! You gave it up to Cris, but not me! That should be my baby, not his!" She put two and two together and knew who I was.

"Reed? Why are you doing this? Let me go!"

"No! I am going to take from you what you should have given to me in the first place."

"Where in the hello do you get the idea that I owe you for sex? Shouldn't I be the one to determine who gets my body?! You tried to kill me by pushing me down the stairs over some freaking clothes you left at my house for a year! If they were so important, you would have been got them! Then, you burned my house to the ground! Like I said, 'I don't owe you anything!' You owe me for three wasted years of a relationship!"

"What do you mean 'burn your house down?' I never did that! Take that back!" I walked over to her and smacked her again. Kam started crying again. "See what you made me do?"

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