Chapter 22 - Surprise

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Cris' POV

The pilot announced that we had arrived in San Francisco. Kamea was lying down on the bed. Just as she finally went to sleep, I had to wake her up.

"Sweetheart, we made it safely back to Los Angeles. First, let me give you your insulin. She did her usual routine. "Ouch." And I gave myself my shot. "Let's get off the plane and get you home."


We walked out of the bedroom and made our exit from the plane. My security detail was waiting for us as we walked off. My Escalade was parked by the plane. I opened the door for Kamea to get in. Then, my security loaded the luggage in the back and the gifts for the twins. We got so much for Dia and Rocco that we had to use both vehicles. Then, I got in on the driver's side. We pulled off from the airport, with my security right behind us.

On our drive back, I glanced over to Kamea. She was looking out the window with a sad expression on her face. As a husband, how can one not feel hurt that his wife was assaulted sexually? I must do my best to cheer her up. I want her to feel safe.

"Hey, love, remember that I am here for you. It doesn't matter the time of the day. Talk to me, okay?" We had stopped at a traffic light, so I took this opportunity to put my right hand on her cheek to caress it. Kamea leaned into the caress.

"Okay. I promise."

Once we had reached home, the guys unloaded both trucks. "Place the gifts for the twins in their rooms, please?"

"Yes, sir."

Then, I went to help my bride out of the truck. Once we made it to the front door, I said, "Wait, I couldn't wait to do this."

Kamea looked at me, puzzled. I did what every man wanted to do when he brought his bride home - scooped her up bridal style and carried her in the house.

"Welcome home, Mrs. Fiore." Kamea was blushing from ear to ear.

"Aren't you so sweet? Thank you, Mr. Fiore." 

"Where to now, madam?"

"I am still tired, so to our bedroom."

"Your wish is my command." I couldn't wait for this day to happen. And, here it is. So, while still in my arms, I carried her upstairs to what used to be my room - now it is ours. I placed her gently down on the bed.

"Get some rest, love. I am going to make a few calls and join you. I'm getting you a bodyguard and calling the family about dinner for Saturday."

While yawning, Kamea said, "Thanks, gorgeous." Then, she was fast asleep.

I called my parents and Kamea's parents. I put both on the line at the same time.

"Mom, dad, Mama Jayde, and Kalani, I wanted to call and let you know that we are back from our trip to the Virgin Islands."

"You both are back a little early. We thought you were coming back later,"  Mama Jayde asked.

"We were scheduled to come back later, but something happened, and we came back now."

I could hear the anger in her father's voice. "What happened, Cris?"

"Dad, you will never guess who I ran into down there - Chase Dalton."

"That guy has been bad news for years," my dad said. I could tell he was just as angry.

"Well, yesterday, Kamea told me she was going to the hotel gym for exercise. She ran into Chase on the elevator. The elevator stopped, and they were stuck for about 30 minutes. When they finally reached the bottom, she ran off the elevator and told me he sexually assaulted her. I nearly choked his life out, but Kamea had an asthma attack. I dropped him and ran to her. After her breathing came back, Chase had the audacity to say that there was no proof and that she enjoyed it. I resumed choking the life out of him. The police eventually hauled him to jail before I could finish him off. She didn't want to stay there any longer, so we came back to California early."

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