Chapter 44 - It's Showtime

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Kam's POV

Travel day for Layla's wedding.

Our flight to Jamaica left before Ryan and Layla's. He wants us to stand there on the runway when they arrive. 

The flight to Jamaica was 3 hours and 37 minutes. Marco and Noeli flew with us. The kids were knocked out on the plane. When we land in Jamaica, there will be three limos there. Marco and Noeli will take the twins to the hotel with them. One will be for Cris and Ryan. And the other one will be for myself and Layla.

We arrived safely in Jamaica. The kids gave us kisses and hugs. Then they left with Marco and Noeli.

We then waited in the waiting area for Ryan and Layla's flight. Daddy Val let them use his family's jet. Ryan called Cris and told him they were about to land.

Once we saw the plane land, we got the okay to walk on the runway, as well as the limos.

When Layla, Ryan, and Sean got off the plane, he took off her blindfold. We yelled, "Surprise!"

"Kam! Cris! You guys are here?"

"Of course. I could never miss my best friend's wedding."

Then Ryan asked her, "Does this place look familiar, Layla?"

She looked around, and it hit her. "You brought me to Montego Bay?!! I always wanted to come back here but never had the chance. What made you pick this place?"

"Your dad told me the story of how you loved it here when you all came that time for a vacation. You were 12 years old at the time."

"I do love it here. It was beautiful then and is beautiful now. Thank you, sugar. I will cherish our wedding even more."

"You're welcome, love. Now, we must go our separate ways. You are going with Kam, and Sean is going with you both. I am going with Cris. Until tomorrow, my queen."

"Until tomorrow, my handsome king." Layla and I started walking to the limo, but Ryan grabbed her arm. "Um, Layla, no sugar for your king?"

"Nope. That's for making me wear that blindfold. You'll be fine."

"Layla, I know that look on Ryan's face all too well. You are in trouble, girl. I get that look from Cris all the time."

Layla's POV

"Kam, I have had that blindfold on practically all day. He will be fine until tomorrow."

"You, my best friend, are going to be very sore come Sunday."

"He doesn't scare ----." I didn't even finish the sentence because I saw him running after me. If I had on flats, I could have run faster. But, of course, I just had to wear my heels. He scooped me up and carried me over his shoulder.

"Cris! Be a dear and tell him to put me down." He was just like Sean, silent. The both of them stood there and laughed. "Thanks a lot, Sean and Cris!"

He told Kam, "Give us about 5 minutes." And then proceeded inside the limo. "Ouch, that was my head."

Then, Ryan started tickling me. "Now, you want to rethink your answer?"

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