Chapter 6 - Trouble Is Brewing

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Kamea's POV

"Sure. We can be friends. If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your kids' mother?"

"I don't mind. Her name was Alicia. After she gave birth to the twins, she went into cardiac arrest," Cristiano replies with a sorrowful face.

I could tell by the look on his face that it would hurt him to continue to talk about what happened. So, I grabbed his hand and replied: "I'm sorry for asking. You don't have to say another word."

"Don't be sorry, Kamea. Día was my firstborn. Not too long after Rocco was born, she went into cardiac arrest. She had a heart attack and didn't survive it. Her heart just couldn't take it. We were all devastated by her passing. I had planned on proposing to Alicia after the twins were born. I miss her so much. Taking care of the twins was hard work without her, but I made it work. Her parents and my parents, however, did help me. And, I am grateful for all their help."

"When Dia and Rocco were old enough, I made sure to tell them about her and show them her picture. Alicia had beautiful brown eyes, long, straight black hair, was about the same height as you, didn't take lip from anyone, and had the cutest dimple in her cheeks. When you come over to survey our kitchen, I'll show you a picture of her."

Tears started streaming down his face talking about her. So, I went to get some tissues to wipe his face. I saw the hurt in his eyes and started feeling remorseful for the asking.

"Do you mind me asking you something? What made you decide to become a Dietitian?" Cristiano asked.

"I was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes as a child. One day, I kept sneaking sweets and eating them up. The next day, my mom said I passed out, and they rushed me to the hospital. My A1C was extremely high. I had stomach pains, shortness of breath, and a rapid heartbeat. I eventually went into a diabetic coma. I was so close to dying. When I finally came to, I told my mom what had happened. She was disappointed I did that but was so happy I was alive."

"After that, I asked my mom what diabetes was. When she explained what it was, I vowed to work to help people eat right. Since then, I have been taking insulin through a needle. I can't stand the sight of needles, so I ask my mom to stick me with it. I have asthma and allergies, also. So, I am very careful with what I eat, drink, and do for exercise. I hope to get married and have my own family one day."

Cris's POV

I noticed her crying when she talked about it. So, I took one of the tissues from her hand and wiped her tears. "Oh, Kamea, please let me into your heart. You already have mine. I want to show you how special you are."

I pulled her closer to me and put my arms around her, and we didn't say anything for the next few minutes. I eventually broke the silence.

"Before I forget, you won the dance contest. The prize is VIP access and everything on the house when you come. I made sure to give you and your friends' names to the bouncers. After you danced, nobody wanted to dance. That was an amazing performance."

"It was more than amazing because it gave me a rise."

"Thanks. I love dancing, and Beyoncé is one of my favorite artists, as well as Rhianna. I watch their videos so much that I know every dance. And dancing is a way for me to get exercise. And thank you for the prize. One more question. What else does Mr. Fiore do besides own a nightclub?"

"I own Classico Fiore in Napa Valley." 

"No way! It's my favorite wine to buy! And that's what my dad buys for the restaurant. I'm partial to the red wine selection. Because of diabetes, I must limit my drinking. I drink like one or two glasses a week," Kamea says excitedly. "You will need to do the same thing."

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