Chapter 33 - Devastated

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Songs for this chapter: 'A Song For Mama' by Boys To Men

Cris' POV

"Jake, you go to the left, and I'll go to the right. We need to find Kamea and fast!"

Chase's POV

As I walked back to my car, which was hidden out of view, I noticed my 'prize' was sitting by herself, crying.

"I could overpower her and kidnap her."

That is what I was about to do until I heard someone calling her name.

Jake's POV

"Kam! Where are you?" I heard crying, so I followed the sound of the cries. I dialed Cris's number.

"Cris, I found her. She is near the pond behind the gazebo."

"Jake, don't come near me! Don't touch me! Leave me alone!" 

"Kam, you can't be out here by yourself. There are dangerous people out here."

"I don't care! If they want me, here I am!" 

"Don't say that. You don't mean that."

Kam stood up from where she was sitting and screamed, "If you want me, here I am! Take me and end my misery!" 

I started walking over to her.

"Jake, I said don't come near me! Leave me alone!" 

I ran over to Kam, grabbed her, and hugged her. She kept banging her fists on my chest.

"Just leave me alone, Jake! Leave me alone, or else you will die next!" 

"Kam, I am not going to die! And I will not let you die."

I heard footsteps coming towards us.

"I hope it is Cris." It was. So, we traded places.

Cris' POV

"Sweetheart, you can't run off like that. What if you had fallen and hurt yourself or someone had hurt you?" 

She started banging her fists on my chest. "Who cares? Because of me, my mother is dead! She is dead, Cris!"

"I care! Kamea, you are my wife and mother to our unborn children, Día and Rocco. They care! How could I explain to them that their mom passed away if you were shot? I don't think I could do that again." 

"You're just saying that to make me feel better! Well, it is not working!" 

"Kamea, look me in my eyes."

"No! Why can't you and Jake just leave me alone?!" 

"Sweetheart, I am not asking." I put both of my hands on her cheeks. "Look at me. Listen, I know you are upset, but how could you say I don't care? Do you know how much that hurts hearing you say that? I freaking love you, Kamea! Jake cares about you too. I don't ever want to hear you say that again! Now, come on so we can go in the house."

"Why, so everyone can look at me and say, 'Oh look, there is Kamea. She is a mom killer!' No! I am not going in that house! I'll just sit out here by myself!" 

"Kamea, stand up!"

"What part of no do you and Jake not understand? LEAVE ME ALONE!" 

"Kamea, I don't have time for games! I am not leaving you out here! You are going into the house, and that is final! Jake, grab her hands." Once he did that, I got up and carried her.

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