Chapter 60 - Terror and Surprise

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A/N: One year ago, I published this story

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A/N: One year ago, I published this story. With each and every chapter that I write, I am still amazed at the support for it. Thank you all so much!!

Tuesday, December 10th, 2019

Kam's POV

Woo, we sure have been doing quite a bit of traveling lately. My kids are frequent flyers now. We just got back to Florida yesterday from spending time in California for Devin to spend time with Mrs. Lauren. And, we had a great time in Hawaii with Grandma Luana and Bliss.

Austin and Bliss have really hit it off. I just hope she is not rushing herself into another relationship. Don't get me wrong, Austin is a really sweet person. But, Bliss and Shane were absolutely goal-worthy - an example of a couple who truly loves each other and will do anything to protect it. I do miss having Shane around. I truly believe there was a reason. I am hoping the truth will come out.

In two days, Devin and I are going to fly to New York to watch Bliss, Marco and Layla take over the runway at Sapphire Couture's Spring Collection Fashion Show. I am so proud of my crew. They are so going to take over the fashion show.

Devin, Isabella, Kekoa, and I are watching television while Cris is in his office, making sure his winery and clubs are running smoothly. He is going to meet us in New York because his new club location opens in January. My dad is picking up Día and Rocco from school today.

"I needed a break, so I figured I would join you and the kids." Cris came and sat on the couch with us. "What are you watching?"

Devin crawled on Cris's lap and sat with him. Those two have really come close. Devin is one of the sweetest little boys I have met. Cris loves him to pieces.

"Devin chose The Lion King, one of my favorite movies of all time. Popcorn is on the table." I grabbed the bowl so we could all dig in.

About an hour into the movie, all three kids were asleep. Cris fell asleep too. So, I went to grab several blankets to cover us all up. It was cute. Devin was in Cris's lap. Kekoa and Isabella were hugging each other. I just turned the movie off, and we took a family nap.

Two hours later, we heard Día and Rocco come running into the house. Everyone else stayed asleep, so I got up to greet them.

"How was school today? Let's go fix you guys some lunch." I took their hands and we walked into the kitchen. My dad followed.

Día and Rocco sat at the table. "We learned how to write our name, mommy," My princess happily says.

"And, we learned how to read stories, mommy." My little prince says.

"That's great! Maybe you both could read a story to your brothers and sister. What would you like for lunch?"

They simultaneously said, "Peanut butter and jelly!"

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