Chapter 40

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"It's all cold and depressing outside," Y/N groaned as she rolled over, yawning in the process.

"I like the rain," Barry hummed as he rolled over, his bare chest pressed against Y/N's back, "Almost as much as I like you," he said kissing her just behind her ear.

Y/N hummed as Barry draped his arm over her waist, she found his touch warm and comforting as she gazed out the window in their bedroom at the gray sky, the gentle sound of rain filled the room, the rumble of thunder prominent.

"What are you planning on doing today?" Y/N asked as she snuggled back under the covers and into Barry warmth.

"I don't know," Barry hummed, "I should probably head down to the station, or maybe S.T.A.R. Labs, but preferably; I'd stay here with you all day," he said nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck.

Y/N smiled, "All day?" she questioned.

"All day," Barry confirmed as he hugged her a little tighter.

"You don't think that maybe we should return to our Flash duties? Cisco has been handling it for the past few days, but I think it's a bit much for him," Y/N turning in Barry's arms, her chest now pressed against his.

Barry nodded slowly, "I guess having a break was nice," he admitted. "It was nice to hear police sirens and not have to chase after them."

"I know," Y/N replied as she ran her fingers through Barry's hair, earning a soft hum from him, she then rested her hand against Barry's chest as he rested his forehead against hers.

"What are you going to do today?" Barry asked, his fingers grazing over her cheek tenderly.

Y/N shrugged, "I was planning to head down to lab to talk with Cisco, we were going to work on that file that my dad gave me," she explained. "But, as you mentioned before, I'd much rather spend my day right here with you," she added.

Barry nodded, "It's getting pretty bad out there," he said looking out the window, the once gray clouds now even darker, the rain now coming down more heavily, and it was only the morning. Barry watched as the lightning danced across the dark sky.

"I don't like the rain, but I do like the lightning," Y/N as she turned and looked out the window briefly.

Barry let out a soft laugh, "That sounds like something that a speedster would say," he commented.

"Lucky for you I am a speedster," she said kissing him.


"Welcome back Flash," Caitlin smirked as Y/N entered the Cortex.

"It's good to be back," Y/N replied. Cisco then breached into the Cortex and practically collapsed into Y/N arms, his suit still on.

"Oh thank the speed force heaven that you're back," he sighed. "Vibe is done being a hero for the next few days," he said as he fell back into a chair. "It isn't easy protecting the entire city."

Y/N chuckled, "I know, probably better than you do, Cisco."

"Yeah whatever, you and Barry got to have your little vacation, I bet you two were all cute and fluffy the entire time, I heard you two even went dancing," Cisco pouted. "But did Cisco get to go dancing? No. Cisco had to breach all across the city to save it from crazed metahumans."

"I'm sorry Cisco," Y/N said patting him on the shoulder. "Now it's time for Vibe to take a vacation, be the guy in the chair for a little while."

"I feel like I've heard that somewhere before," Cisco pondered.

"Heard what before?" Y/N asked.

"The guy in the chair thing, maybe it was a Spider-man movie or something," Cisco thought.

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