Chapter 19

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"Y/N don't do this to me...not now," Barry said as he pushed Cisco out of the way and started chest compressions on her, tears in his eyes as he did so.

Cisco ran into the Cortex and grabbed Caitlin who immediately came rushing in, Julian followed just behind her. Cisco then tried to pull Barry out of the room.

"No," Barry sobbed as he fought Cisco's grip on his shoulders. Eventually, Cisco was able to bring Barry back into the Cortex, Barry sat down against the wall, leaning his head against it, he didn't know what to do.


"No," Barry interrupted shaking his head. "Just don't Cisco...I can't do this anymore..."

"Do what?" Cisco asked sitting down.

"Keep fighting...not if it means losing her," he said looking at the ground. "No matter how different things got, or what new challenges I faced, she's always been there. She's been my best friend, my partner, and the love of my life. Y/N's my home...and I don't want that to change," Barry sobbed.

"Barry, she's gonna make it through this," Cisco said trying to reassure his friend.

"No, Cisco. You didn't see her out there, you didn't see her choking on her own blood, her chest struggling to rise and fall, you didn't see her laying there on the cold, hard ground...alone... She was terrified Cisco, and I can't even look at her without seeing the same person that was on the ground...alone..."


"How long has he been like this?" Joe asked as he watched Barry sleep up against the wall by Y/N's room, he had been like this for nearly an hour now.

"About an hour," Caitlin said.

"Y/N slipped into cardiac arrest about an hour and a half ago, then he fell asleep out here an hour ago," Cisco explained. "I would assume that it's from exhaustion," Cisco presumed.

"How is she?" Joe asked turning to face the team in front of him.

"She's fine," Julian said. "She's still out, but Caitlin and I expect her to make a full recovery, with time."

"We'll give you two some space," Caitlin said as her, Julian, and Cisco all left the Cortex.

Joe nodded and sat down next to Barry, he heard him whimpering softly in his sleep, he was having a nightmare.

"Barr," Joe said shaking his shoulders, "Barry."

Barry shot awake, his breathing fast, Joe was quickly able to calm him down. "What happened?" Joe asked.

"I had a nightmare, about Y/N, she let go Joe...she left me, you, everything...she just left," Barry said letting a few tears escape his eyes.

"Hey," Joe said pulling Barry into a hug, "She didn't leave, Barry. She is still here, she's still here," Joe whispered to his crying son. "Why don't you go see her?"

"Yeah," Barry nodded, wiping away his tears as he stood up, Joe gave him a reassuring nod before he went to see Y/N. He took a careful seat next to her, his eyelids heavy, he was tired...all he wanted was to be with Y/N. Barry moved his chair as close as possible to her and held her hand as he drifted off.

He was quickly awakened a while later by Cisco shaking him awake. "Barry, there's a fire on the Westword Bridge, you gotta go man," Cisco urged.

"Yeah," Barry said nodding his head before speeding off to save the day. "Any change?" he asked as soon as he got back, he found Caitlin checking on her.

"Not yet," Caitlin said with a rather sad expression. "She'll get better Barry, just give her time," she said on her way out.

"'re right," Barry replied.

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