Chapter 32

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Later that night Y/N sprung from her sleep, her breathing heavy, a sheen of sweat covered her as she tried to calm down. Barry woke at the sudden movement, but just as he moved closer to Y/N she backed away quickly.

"No," she said shaking her head. "I don't wanna hurt you...I hurt you," she said putting her face in her hands.

Barry pulled one of her hands away and put it against his bare chest, "It's still beating, you didn't hurt me, I'm fine." Barry gave a subtle nod as he brought Y/N into his arms. 

He rocked her back and forth soothingly, giving her a moment to compose herself. A few minutes later she was still in his arms, Y/N lay between his legs holding onto his torso, hiding her face in his chest. Barry's arms still held Y/N, not quite as tightly as before, one hand running up and down her back.

It wasn't long after that Barry noticed that Y/N's breathing had relaxed, she had fallen asleep in his arms, not that he minded, Barry only wished that it were under better circumstances.


The next morning, Barry looked down and saw Y/N fast asleep on his chest, her arm draped over him provided comfort, he couldn't help but smile at how peaceful she seemed. He slowly shifted her closer to him and let his eyes take another rest.

Barry's eyes opened once more when he felt Y/N's hand twitch on his chest. She looked up at him, a smile spreading across her face.

"Good morning," she whispered.

"Good morning," he whispered back to her.

"Do we have to get up?" she yawned.

Barry laughed, "Eventually," he answered.

"But eventually isn't now," Y/N said planting a kiss on Barry's jaw.

Barry grinned as Y/N nuzzled herself back into his chest, Barry head now resting against her own, neither of them wanting the moment to end.

Y/N woke a few hours later to the gentle sound of rain outside, she rolled over only to see an empty bed. She slowly sat up and rubbed her tired eyes, she didn't hear Barry downstairs and assumed he must've left for some reason.


Y/N walked into Barry's lab at the station and saw Joe running over some files as she entered.

"Hey, Joe. Is Barry here?" she asked.

He looked up from his work, "No," he said shaking his head. "Although he was here earlier, he had a lead on that radioactive metahuman you two have been working on. He said that he was gonna go check it out."

"Did he say why?" Y/N asked.

Joe shook his head, "Just said that it was important."

"Thanks, let me know if you hear anything from him," Y/N said walking out of Barry's lab.

On her way out of CCPD Y/N got a phone call from Cisco, "Hey, Cisco. Do you know where Barry is?"

"Uh..yes?" he replied awkwardly. "Can you come down to the lab, Barry's here."


"Where is he?" Y/N asked as she entered the Cortex.

Cisco let out a nervous chuckle, "A funny story, actually," he started. "Um...he kinda sorta took down our radioactive metahuman...Fallout," Cisco explained.

"Is that blood?" Y/N asked glancing down at Cisco's shirt.

"No?" he replied.

"That is not a question that you answer with a question," Y/N said as she pushed past him and went towards the med bay. "You didn't say goodbye," Y/N said as she made her way towards Barry.

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