Chapter 24

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Y/N grabbed Barry by the neck of his suit and before they both knew they were on Earth 5, in the past...

"Are we-"

"In the past, on Earth 5," Y/N confirmed. "We did it."

"I thought we would be a lot happier about this," Barry said looking around, he then noticed Y/N stumble on her feet. "Are you okay?" he asked wrapping his arms around her to support her.

"Yeah, just tired...that was a lot of running," she said panting as she stood up.

"Where are we exactly?" Barry asked looking around, it was night and it was hard to tell exactly what time it was.

"312 Dodge Street, Central City," Y/N said flatly.

"How did you know that?"

"You see that house on the corner," she said pointing. "That's where I grew up," Y/N said sadly gazing at it. "Look, I know where we can find a place to rest and figure out where Thawne is," she added. "Follow me."

Barry then found himself on top of the Wayne Tech Building, only this time he was on Earth 5.

"This place is beautiful," he said observing the night sky and the city below him.

"I almost forgot what it was like," Y/N said sitting down next to him and pulling out her phone, she was searching for Thawne's current location.

Barry then sat down next to her, "Did Cisco's tech find him yet?" Barry asked.

"Working on it," she replied. "Should know about any minute now."

"So how do we do this, once we find him?" Barry asked.

Y/N shrugged, "I don't know. If we do this right, we should be able to talk to him, and if we get back before the window closes then time will not set in place and he won't even remember what happened, nothing will change. And we get to go home and stop him once and for all."

"You know I'm here for you, right? You don't have to go through this alone," Barry said putting his arm around her.

Y/N nodded her head, "I know, but it still isn't easy," she said turning to face him. Y/N then noticed that Cisco's tech had worked, they had tracked down Thawne, they were actually going to do this.

"What? No this can't be right," Y/N said in disbelief as she angrily typed away.

"What?" Barry asked.

"This says that Earth 1 Thawne, Wells, or whoever he is at my dad's lab..."

Barry was confused, "How is that a bad thing? Now we know exactly where he is," Barry said.

"Barry, today is the 12th, my birthday is on the my dad is working late at the lab, he won't be home until 3:00 in the morning, when he gets home I'm on the couch watching a movie, but I actually fell asleep an hour before, he brings me upstairs and kisses me on the forehead before he goes to sleep, he thought I was asleep, but I wasn't. And in three days he and the rest of my family are going to die."

"Y/N we don't know that this is a bad thing, let's just go and find out," Barry said standing up, pulling Y/N up with him. "You lead the way," he added.

Y/N nodded before grabbing his hands and speeding away. They both arrived and Y/N snuck them in through a back entrance, careful to remain unseen, she guided Barry by his hand throughout the building.

Barry immediately stopped when he heard footsteps, he backed into a corner and pulled Y/N tight against his chest, slipping them both into the shadows and Thawne and some other man walked by.

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