Chapter 35

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"What is that?" Y/N asked as Cisco came running into the Cortex.

"Something that we should not be hearing," Cisco yelled as ran in front of his computers, Harry then joined him, both frantically typed away and pulled up camera footage on the screens in the room for everyone to see.

"That is Eliza Morris, she just finished serving a fifteen-year sentence at Iron Heights for producing bombs in the basement of her apartment complex, and she has a nuclear bomb with her right now in the warehouse district," Harry explained with a grave tone.

"Nuclear?" Y/N asked wide-eyed.

"Nuclear," Cisco confirmed with a flat tone. "One with quantum enhancement, double the damage, double the casualties..."

Barry stared at the screens in shock, "Could this be what Thawne was planning? Is this what Y/N's doppelganger was talking about?" he asked.

Everyone was at a loss for words, "Does it really matter?" Y/N asked. "Either way there is an enhanced nuclear bomb in the city, we need to stop it before it detonates," she said pulling on her mask.

"Vibe? Care to join us?" Barry asked, turning to Cisco.

"We're gonna need all the help we can get," Cisco replied as he ran to grab his suit.

--9:31 p.m.--

"Over there," Y/N said as she and Cisco approached the area, Barry coming in from behind.

"Cisco, stay back, you're the secret weapon if things go south," Barry instructed. "Y/N you are going to sneak into that truck and try to disarm the bomb while I distract her."

The trio all nodded before heading their separate ways to confront Eliza and her team.

"I'd stop right there before you do something that you're going to regret," Barry said stepping out of the shadows, Y/N by his side.

Eliza laughed, "The scarlet speedster...and his sidekick," she said turning to Y/N. "I'm not going to regret anything I do here today, but you two on the other hand, well...I can't say the same for you."

Y/N saw her chance and sped off, no one noticed that she had only gone a few yards, she now found herself laying right underneath of the bomb. She popped off a panel and saw that the bomb had a time detonator set for three minutes.

"See," Eliza mocked. "Even you're sidekick is afraid of me," she snickered.


"Barry," Y/N said into the coms, "You need to get that remote in her hand and disarm this bomb, in three minutes it will detonate, and I might not be fast enough to stop it."

"No," Cisco replied. "She could still remote detonate it," he warned.


"What are you playing at?" Barry asked Eliza harshly.

"The bomb in that truck," she said motioning behind her, "It's not just any nuclear bomb, it's been outfitted with a quantum frame, you can't stop it...nothing can..." Eliza explained.


Y/N moved quickly to undo the wire cover and inspect which wires went where. Thinking she had found the trigger wire, the yellow one, she cut it. Although once she did the time dropped from 02:36 to 01:36.

What We Do For Love (Flash x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora