Chapter 23

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Y/N woke the next morning and could hear Barry downstairs, presumably making breakfast, she smiled as she threw on one of his sweatshirts and headed downstairs to see him standing over a table full of food.

"You didn't have to do all this," she chuckled.

Barry turned at the sound of Y/N's voice, a grin working its way onto his face as he walked over to her and kissed her, his hands now resting on her waist, her arms around his neck.

"That's the thing, being with you makes me want to do things like this," he smiled, her arms snaked around his neck. "And we kinda missed our anniversary breakfast, so this is making up for that," he added.

"Come here," she said pulling him in for another kiss. "I love you," she mumbled against his lips. After they had both eaten breakfast they headed over to S.T.A.R. Labs to talk with Cisco about Thawne.

"Anything?" Y/N asked as she and Barry entered the time vault, both hopeful for a good answer.

Cisco shrugged, "The window is coming, soon, but we still won't know when until it is open. It could be hours, could be minutes," he explained as he continued to run tests.

Caitlin and Julian had heard them talking from the hallway. "You two aren't going now are you?" Caitlin asked, peeking into the room.

"Y/N, you're still recovering, you are in no condition to run that far or fast right now," Julian said sounding concerned.

"I agree," Caitlin added.

"Look, I'm the only one that knows the way there, the way to get us both there in one piece. Once we get there we complete the mission and then Barry can then run us both back...simple," Y/N shrugged.

"Yeah, simple," Cisco said sarcastically.

Caitlin sighed, "I just don't like this idea."

"It could be hours, or even days before the window opens, we could have plenty of time," Barry said defending Y/N.

"He has a point," Julian said turning to Caitlin.

"Fine," she said leaving the room, Julian following just behind her.

"Well, any wise words of advice Cisco?" Y/N asked.

"It's a long way there and back, I suggest not over exhausting your powers while you're there, and don't run into your past self," he said looking to Y/N. "Bad things could happen, the timeline could rupture, you could create an alternate timeline, and the list goes on," Cisco explained.

"And what about me?" Barry asked.

"Don't be stupid, which might be hard for you," Cisco joked. "Don't feel obligated to fix things while you're there, things have to happen the way they did originally...don't...don't be a hero," Cisco said to his friend. "Oh and take this," he said handing a device to Y/N. "It should help you find Thawne," he explained.

"This should be fun," Y/N said taking the device and then looking at the ground.

Barry nodded, "Keep us up to date Cisco, the second that window opens I wanna be here."

"I agree, our time there will be limited, how limited we won't know, but every second is going to count," Y/N said.

Cisco nodded and then left the room to go over a few more simulations before the duo left. "Nervous?" Barry asked.

"Hmm? Yeah, a little," she chuckled.

"Hey, don't be, we are going to be fine," Barry said wrapping his arms around her waist, swaying back and forth slowly.

Y/N looked up at him, "It's just that we were so happy this morning, I don't want this to ruin things," she said.

"It won't," Barry replied. "We'll be alright, this isn't going to change anything," he said reassuring her.

"Barry, you are about to travel to the past, my past at that. And I can tell you right now that it's going to be ugly, and I'm most likely going to see my family again, I just don't want this to freak you out or think any differently of me," she explained.

"Y/N, your past is what made you who you are today, and you are the woman that I love, my wife, the woman that I am going to cherish for the rest of my life, my partner, my best friend..nothing is going to change that." 

"Okay," Cisco yelled down that hallway. "Enough cute fluff talk, okay? The window is open!" he shouted.

Y/N and Barry both exchanged worried glances before speeding into their suits, and into the Cortex.

"You guys aren't going to have long, the version of Gideon in Y/N's suit will alert you when you have about an hour left to get back," Cisco explained.

"Got it," Barry nodded along as he listened to his best friend.

"Okay, so I'll get us there, you bring us back," Y/N explained.

Barry nodded, Cisco then gave them both a hug, not wanting to see them go, "We're coming back Cisco," Barry said reassuring his friend.

"If you don't, I can only hope to be half the hero that you two are," he said.

"You'll be better than us, just don't destroy the city while we're gone," Y/N joked to lighten the mood before they left.

Cisco laughed and sent them both on their way, "You ready to do this?" Y/N asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Barry said.

What We Do For Love (Flash x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora