When One Player Meets Another It Becomes One Hell of a Game (Chapter 4)

Start from the beginning

"You over-jealous cow..." I murmured, as my fingers flew across the keys to form the response, 'He wanted the shirt, so I gave it to him, and when I told him I was sick, he offered to take me to my car. That's all.' Although, as I sent it, I highly doubted jealousy had anything to do with it.

He responded with, 'YOU GAVE HIM THE SHIRT???' All caps. Max was pissed.

'Yes.' I didn't understand why he cared about this either.

'WHY?' His texting was still all caps.

'Because you ruined his.' I had to end this conversation, 'Mom's coming gtg. I think I'll be feeling good enough to come later to dinner, so I'll see you then. Bye!' I waited a few minutes, and there was silence on his end.

Of course, that was so Max. As long as it didn't concern him, it didn't matter. He hadn't even told me to feel better once, or asked me what I had gotten sick with. Which I guess was a good thing, because I didn't have a response for that but still...

Will came over with the drinks, took one look at me, and said, "Give me the phone." I blinked, looking at him strangely before I realized I was crushing the phone in my hands.

I blushed, as Will put down the drinks and pried the cell from my clenched fist. He sat down across from me and frowned, "Lemme guess, you were just in contact with our little friend Max Williams." I bit my lip and said nothing, and he just nodded his head, "Knew it."

He slid onto the seat across from me. "Ok," He said, sipping his drink, "what's the matter?"

I sighed, fingering my drink, "My friend and I got in a fight earlier today. I don't know why. I just snapped at her, and she didn't say anything, but I could tell she was hurt, since that's what best friends are for..." The words came out in a rush, and I hoped I'd made my point clear.

"Well," Will asked, "Just apologize to her later. Besides, like you said, best friends know when best friends are upset, since that's what they're for, so she probably knew you were hurting too. "

"I know she knew I was upset," I said quietly. "And that's what makes me feel even more disgusted with myself. I snapped at her when she was only trying to help. I shouldn't take my stupid problems out on her..."

"Would you care to share these so called 'stupid problems' with me?" Will question, with a raised brow.

"They're really stupid..." I tried to tell Will, but like I said the boy is persistent. He just stared me down straight in the eye and said, "Try me."

I let out a sigh; "I guess I got mad because Max was kissing other girls."

"You guess?" Will spluttered, and sighed, "I know, see this is why I didn't want to tell you. I mean, I must sound so immature, and I'm used to it, but... but... it was our five year anniversary..." I felt something warm and wet slide down my cheek.

I wiped at it with my finger, and then looked at the glistening drop of water. A tear. I was crying. No way? Why was I crying? More importantly, why was I crying over Max?

I had sworn never to cry over him again, after when I had caught him kissing Molly, I had locked myself in the room that entire night and cried my eyes out. Yet here I was, shedding tears for the most evil of men.

In front of Will. I looked over at him and through the veil of tears; I could see his face was a deathly white. "I'm sorry..." I said, letting out a small gasp for breath, and Will only stood up, his knuckles white in a clenched fist.

For a minute I thought he was going to leave. Players were no good with tears; I knew that from all the things Max had done, because when the waterworks started to flow, he made sure to make himself scarce.

But to my surprise, after Will disappeared, I suddenly felt to strong arms wrap around me, and his faint voice whisper, "It's ok Summer, it's ok."

"No it's not." I sobbed, "I must look like I'm making a scene-"

Will's voice was harsh, "Summer, you are not making a scene. The things that you have to go through for that douche... let's just say, not as many people have the reserve you do. Max should treat you better, you shouldn't ever have to cry for his sake... and I'm going to make sure he knows that."

I could feel Will's muscles tense, and I looked at him in horror, the tears starting to halt, "You're not going to fight him, are you Will? You'll get yourself killed!"

"Yes, I'm going to fight him, and trust me when I bet I'm going to be fine." Will assured me, and I just shook my head. "This isn't something I'd bet over Will, if I were you." I told him, and he just shook his head.

"Summer I'm a-" he began, but then stopped, a smile sliding over his face. "You know what? Let's make a bet. If I come to school tomorrow, unscathed and victorious from a fight with Max, you have to go on a date with me."

"Will!" I cried out shocked. "Are you kidding me? There's no way I'd agree to that!"

Will shrugged, "I'm going to fight him either way. You might as well get something out of it."

I stood up furious, "How could you do that Will? Is that all you ever think about? You being the center of the universe? Well you're not Will, and... and... do you think I would even want to get involved with another player?"

Will scowled, "Summer, I am nothing like Max."

I stared him down. "How do I know that?"

Will shrugged, "You don't, and you never will... unless you agree to the date with me." I just shook my head, "I won't become free only to be captured again."

Will looked at me. "Summer... I want you away from Max more than anything in the world."

I looked at him with a hard gaze, "I know that." And I did know that, "But do you want me away from him for the right reasons?"

"Of course!" Will said loudly, causing a few people to stare at us, then he lowered his voice, "Summer, whether or not you accept this bet I am going to do whatever I can, whatever there is to do in my player arsenal, to make you fall in love with me. The only choice here is whether you get away from Max sooner or later."

"I don't know..." I said softly, and Will whispered, "What do I have to do, to make you say yes." Then he seemed to get an idea as he took a step back from me and got down on one knee.

At normal volume he said, "Summer, with these people as witness, I swear to you, that if you agree to go out with me, in other words, be my girlfriend and dump Max, I swear I'll give up being a player. And if I'm not someone you want to be your boyfriend, then that's fine... but you have to give me a chance. One date. One promise. Please Summer."

One promise? Where had I heard that before? But there was no time for a travel down memory lane because all eyes were on me. I gave a nervous glance around me at all the expectant faces.

"Well?" Will asked, and my throat felt dry as I croaked out my answer.

"Yes, if you survive, I'll give you one date. Just one." I was saying this lightly, because I knew he was going to loose. It's not to say I wanted him to loose but... Will against the whole football team? Impossible... right?

Will grinned, and people applauded. Finally when all the people turned away, I looked over at Will and asked, "Hey Will, did you mean it when you said you were going to use every trick in the book to make me fall in love with you?"

"Of course," Will said. "In fact... I've already started."

Then he headed out to the car started, leaving me to get Deanna's coffee and wonder, what exactly he had meant by that.

Hey guys! So incase you didn't know, this story is now in the Watty Awards Romance category! Yay! It's in 3rd, so please guys vote on chapter 1.5! Get your friends to retweet and like it on facebook, or vote for it as well!

It'd mean so much to me, thanks for everything,


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