24. Hold Your Breath

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Accardo Leondrí's POV

I gasp as I come above the water once again. I see Tony who's frantically looking around him.

"Where is she?!" I shout, but he doesn't respond, just dives back beneath the water. "FUCK!" I add, also diving beneath the surface.

The water isn't exactly the clearest, but I just about see anything, especially the huge, white wedding gown that holds the woman I love as she panics, trapped under some rocks.

I swim over to her and catch her attention, her eyes widening as she frantically points to her throat.

I dive back up out of the water and take a deep breath.

"I've got her!" I shout to Tony, who's about to re-dive in.

I head back beneath the water and grab the girl's face in my hands, pressing my lips to hers as I give her a whole load of oxygen. I pull back and she nods, frantic, and I then focus my attention on getting her out of the trap the waterbed has her in. Tony swims down and helps me out, us both desperately pulling at the water plants and rocks that have the dress caught.

Tony stops and swims up slightly, making me watch him as he begins to rip the dress off of her body, which is easier than trying the effortless attempt to get the vines and stones off of her.

A bubbling scream catches my attention which causes me to look up at my woman and see her desperate for breath once again. Fuck.

"We need to be fucking quick." Tony spits, the second we both resurface, pulling a knife from his blazer pocket and then throwing the material off.

We both go back down again, I repeat the process of planting my lips on hers, giving her breath, but I know there's only so long she can last on my third-party air. Her face is mortified, and I plant another kiss on her lips and gaze into her eyes, asking for her trust, silently. She nods.

I go to help Tony who's still struggling to rip the material from her body, and I can already tell that Gregory fucking made sure that it wasn't an easy thing to get off, especially for a situation like this.

Tony's stabbing at the material desperately, pulling at it as I do the same. He glances at me and I see the shimmer of fear in his eyes. I shake my head, certainly, and he continues at the attempt to get rid of the tight dress. I go back to her face and see her tense. I swim straight back up.

"Shit, Accardo, I can't fucking do it!" Tony's desperate voice exclaims as he comes up.

"The Tony I know doesn't just give up!" I respond, also in a frenzy.

"I can get it off, but it requires cutting her damned back, and it ain't gonna be painless." He tells me.

"It's better than her dying." I simply comment, heading back down.

I meet her gaze and give her air, again, as Tony heads to her back. She looks petrified and Tony gives me a look telling me: warn her for the pain she's about to withstand. Anna notices my distracted look and glances back at Tony as he gives her a saddened smile. He makes a couple of gestures that shows what's gonna happen and she just nods, looking back at me and holding her hands out for me, which I take.

Tony doesn't waste another second and I can see the pain in her clenched eyelids, desperately trying not to open her mouth. As I can see that she's about to give in, I plant my lips on hers, making her eyes snap open. I keep her gaze as I keep my lips on hers, Tony pulling on the material as he plays about with the knife, trying to make it as quick as possible.

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