23. Lawfully Wedded Conflict

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Accardo Leondrí's POV

"How are you feeling?" I ask my right-hand man as he lays in bed, torso bandaged up.

"Well, I've had better days to be honest, Accardo." He jokes but keeps his poker face.

I let out an emotionless chuckle.

"Accardo," Tony begins, looking solemn. "I'm sorry that I failed." He states, making me sigh.

"You didn't fa-" I begin, only to be interrupted.

"You can't say I didn't when you know damn well that I fucking did. I was too focused on Anna holding a gun to her head than I was of our surroundings, which is petty for me. I don't deserve to be alive right now to quite honest with you." He explains, making me groan.

"You're such a drama queen. Shut up. You've been unconscious for 4 days and only just woken up. I'm thankful that you were concerned about her, Carter." I respond, making him laugh.

"Did you just call me a drama queen?" He questions, making me smirk.

"Yes, I bloody well did."

"Sir?" A new voice calls, making me look back at the door and see Luke.

"Yes, Luke?"

"Someone came by whilst I was in the front garden and told me to give you this." My gardener comments, handing me an envelope.

"Thank you." I simply respond as he leaves.

I open up the paper casing and my eyes instantly widen.


I don't even begin to read any more than that.

"You seem a bit tense there, Sir." Tony comments, jokingly.

"It's their fucking wedding invitation." I spit, making my best friend's face furrow into an expression of anger.

When: 25th August 2013 @ 14:00

Where: Saint Angelo's Church


You have been invited to the wedding upon personal request of Mr Michael M Londra himself.

Miss Annastaćia Kieant specifically requested that you were to NOT attend, but that's up to you whether you wish to go against her wishes.

"I'll fucking kill the bastard myself." I spit, reading over the invitation.

"Come on then, Accardo." Tony's voice snaps me out of my trance, making me widen my eyes as I see him getting dressed.

"What the fuck are you doing, Carter?!" I spit, completely baffled.

"Your woman is being stolen by another man and is supposedly getting married tomorrow. We should probably, maybe, just a slight, possible, teeny-tiny, -"

"Shut up." I cut him off, making him laugh.

"What I'm trying to say, Accardo, is that we can't let that marriage happen now, can we?"

"You're injured."

"I've been working with you for years, Accardo, this is merely a scratch; the damage on your lover's mental state is a lot worse." Tony tells me, making me groan. "Glad we came to an agreement. Let's go." Is all he says before heading on out of the room, making me chuckle.

"SAMUEL! JAMES! PHILLIP!" I call, making all 3 of my servants appear.

"Yes, Sir?"

"We're going to gate crash a wedding and I need your help."

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