2. Table For Two?

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Accardo Leondrí's POV

"Sir." Tony's voice snaps me out of my concentration.

I look up from my desk and see my assistant stood in the doorway of my office.

"Yes, Tony?" I question, frustrated that he interrupted me when I'm clearly busy.

"For the banquet tonight, Michaelo Londra will be attending." He informs me, and my eyes widen.

"What the fuck? Why?" I spit out, my agitation clearly showing.

"He had requested so, sir, and it would certainly look excellent on our behalf to have such a man at our event." Tony explains, causing me to sigh deeply.

"I want you, Liam and Andrew watching him, and his men, the entire night. I don't want him out of sight for a second. That man will die tonight, as will his men. Have I made myself clear?" I order.

"Always, Accardo." Tony responds, smiling, as if he's not a care in the world.

"I didn't just hire you because I've known you all my life, Antony; I expect you to do your job and I expect you to do it properly." I spit, and Tony merely shrugs.

"And have I ever failed you, Accardo?" He asks in response, keeping his relaxed demeanour.

"No, and I expect you to keep it that way." I state. He breathes out a laugh.

"Yes, sir." He mocks before leaving the room.

Michaelo Londra is a long-term acquaintance of mine, but we've never really been on the best of terms. The bastard came in demanding that I was to marry his sister and expected me to obey his every wish and demand. I'd never even met his sister. That ended up as a feud between myself and him, as well as my father and myself. My father agreed that marrying Michaelo's sister would benefit me and the family in several ways but there was no chance in hell I was involving myself with that family, and my father is now dead because of them.

My thoughts are interrupted by my phone ringing.

"Unknown number..." I mutter to myself.

Not a chance I'm answering that. I have enough people trying to murder me at the moment, the last thing I need to do is give them a boost by answering and handing over my location. My phone rings one final time before voicemail speaks and I hear a recognisable voice.

"Good afternoon, Mr Leondrí, it is Anna speaking here from the property on Crescent Green. The paperwork has all gone through and my father has received your money in full. Thank you ever so much for that. Should you hav-" Before she can continue speaking, I pick up the phone.

I notice that her voice sounded shaky. She sounded like she had been crying... And I don't know why, but that urges to me to pick up the phone.

"Anna." I greet, prompting her to bring her sentence to a halt.

"Mr Leondrí." She responds, followed by a sniffle.

"Anna, what are you doing right now?" I ask. She hesitates for a moment before responding.

"Uhm, I'm just... not really doing anything, I guess...?" She questions, despite the fact that I was the one who asked her a question.

"Would you care to meet me for lunch, Anna?" I ask her, not really understanding what the hell I'm playing at.

"Oh... I... I mean, sure? Where...?" She answers, hesitantly.

"Mikado Bistro by the clock tower." I state, and I hear her faint gasp.

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