1. A Client Facing Relationship

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Accardo Leondrí's POV

"Tony, remind me of the name of the prospect?" I ask my right-hand man.

"The building used to be a B&B that was run by the Kieant family. Markus Kieant was the owner but ever since his wife, Clara, died, he stopped putting his efforts into the building and decided to sell it off. I believe the woman who will be showing us around is their daughter, Anna." Tony explains to me whilst I stare out at the passing scenery as we drive through the town.

Their daughter, hm.

"How old is the daughter?" I question.

"I believe she's nineteen, Sir." Tony tells me, and I spin my head to look at him, wide eyed.

"Nineteen?" I ask, shocked that a girl of such a young age is the one showing me around the building.

"Yes, Sir." Tony responds as the car comes to halt, "We are here, sir, and I believe that is her." He adds, gesturing his head toward a petite brunette stood outside of the old, run-down building, fidgeting with a large folder full of papers in her arms.

My god. She's tiny. She looks so innocent. Why on earth isn't her father here to do this dirty work instead?! Sigh. I open the door and exit the car, as does Tony, and we make our way over to, whom I believe to be, Anna.

As I slam the car door shut, I see the head flip toward our direction and she looks me dead in the eye. She looks frightened, and quite possibly intimidated for a second, but that quickly reverts to a friendly look.

"Mr Leondrí?" She greets, questioningly, to confirm that I am whom she's waiting for.

"Miss Kieant." I respond, confirming her query, and I notice that she almost flinches from the name, but that fades before I can confirm anything. She flashes me a welcoming smile.

"A pleasure. I am extremely thankful for your interest in this building, sir. I do hope that I can persuade you to put your money towards the property as I believe it'll be a great asset in your favour, should you choose to do so." Anna explains, holding her hand out for me to shake, which I accept, and I'm highly impressed with her introduction.

"The pleasure is all mine, Miss Kieant, I-" Before I can continue, she interrupts.

"Anna." She states, "Please, Mr Leondrí, just call me Anna." She elaborates, and I nod.

"Right. So, care to lead the tour?" I prompt, and she nods before leading the way.

Miss Kieant leads the way around the building, showing us each room and what it used to be, adding her own suggestions as to what she believes would be a good renovation for it. Tony is following close behind and I can see him focusing hard on the descriptions she gives.

"I'll give you time to have a look around yourselves now, Mr Leondrí and ..." She begins to speak but trails off as she looks at Tony.

"Tony Carter." He greets, holding out his hand for her to shake, which she does.

"Mr Carter. Please, take all the time you may need." She voices before heading towards the exit, leaving myself and Tony in the main room.

"This would make an excellent casino, sir." My right-hand man suggests as soon as the girl is out of earshot.

I nod and look around the room in more detail, imagining a new casino.

"I think you might be right about that." I agree.

"We could create the banquet hall on the third floor with the auction hall down in the basement, wouldn't you agree?" Tony suggests, and I nod.

"I was just thinking the same thing." I comment. "How much did they say this place was?"

Tony quickly scans through some of the papers in his hand before pulling one out and skimming over it.

"$785,000, sir." Tony states and I nod.

"Let's go settle this agreement." I state, and the pair of us head back outside to find Miss Kieant.

As I exit the building, I hear a female voice from around the corner, instantly catching my attention.

"I already told you, Kris, I don't want anything to do with him! He made my childhood a living hell and he refused to give me any explanation for my dead mother, for god's sakes! Tell him to leave me the hell alone!" The voice screams. I turn the corner to see Miss Kieant screaming at a middle-aged gentleman, whom looks incredibly frustrated.

"Miss Anna, please understand that everything your father does, and has done, is always in your greatest interest." The gentleman, known as Kris, who looks more like a butler of sorts, explains.


"Miss Anna, Mr Kieant requested that I was to not return to the house without you." Kris explains, almost growling.

Kris goes to reach for Anna's arm, but she backs away in defence.

"I'm not going back to that house, Kris." She warns.

I see anger flash through Kris' eyes and he lunges forwards to grab a firm hold of Anna, but not if I can help it. I reach forward, grabbing a hold of the girl's arm myself, pulling her backward into my chest, protectively. She squeals in shock but somewhat calms as she recognises my face.

"I believe Miss Kieant asked you to leave. I state, with a subtle, threatening tone.

Kris widens his eyes slightly in surprise at my actions but doesn't persist any further.

"Goodbye, Miss Anna." He merely calls and heads back to his car.

Once the car drives away, I release my grip on the girl and she turn around to face me.

"Mr Leondrí..." She awkwardly murmurs, "Thank you..." She quietly adds, and I nod.

"I'd like to purchase the property, Miss Kieant." I demand, completely dismissing the situation that just took place.

Her eyes widen in shock.

"Are you serious?!" She blurts out.

"I'm always serious, Miss Kieant." I tell her, and she nods, as if frightened.

"Right, well, if you'd like to follow me, I'll take you through the papers where you can confirm and sign the contract, Mr Leondrí." She offers, and I hum an agreement in response.

We approach a small picnic table just outside of the property and she begin leading me through the agreement. As we reach the end, she looks up at me, contently, and asks if I have any questions.

"None at all, Miss Kie-" She interrupts me as she did earlier.

"Please, Mr Leondrí; it's Anna." She pleads, and I simply look back at the contract.

"Right, Anna." I merely reply and take her pen and sign the paper.

"Thank you so much, Mr Leondrí!" She exclaims, and I can't help but question her enthusiasm.

"No problem, Anna. I'll take it you'll contact me in the future." I conclude, and she nods.

"Yes, sir." She comments, and I nod before walking away.

"Goodbye, Miss Kieant." I call without looking at her.

The drive back between Tony and myself is completely silent, which isn't usually uncomfortable, but for some odd reason, it is today.

"Don't get attached, Accardo." Tony suddenly speaks up and I look at him confused.

"What?" I ask.

"The girl, don't get involved and don't get attached." He states without taking his eyes off of the road.

"Tony, what are you talking about?" I question, frustrated that he's accusing me of becoming attached to a woman who I wouldn't dare involve with a life such as my own.

"The way you protected her was a lot more defensive than your usual self." Tony elaborates, and I raise an eyebrow at him but don't say anything. Mainly because I know he's not wrong.

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