22. It's Not Over Yet

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Anna Kieant's POV

I shut the door behind me as I enter my home and inhale deeply, reminiscing on the strong, lavender scent that fills my home, but the content feeling doesn't last long as it fully sinks in that I just shot my own father. The palm of my hand slaps my mouth as a loud sob escapes. I slide down my door onto the ground. How could I let this happen? I killed my own father...

"Never thought you'd grow up to be a murderer, Annastaćia." A masculine voice greets, making me widen my eyes and snap my head up to look across the room, only to see a familiar face whom I'd forgotten all about.

"Jon..." I whisper into my palm that's still covering my mouth.

"Annastaćia Kieant, the girl who murdered her father. Her father being a very well-respected man who had a lot of connections. You've gotten yourself into a little predicament now, haven't you, sweetheart?" Jon asks me, patronisingly yet threateningly.

Accardo and Tony are on the other side of this door, I need to sort something out.

"Speechless, Annastaćia? Left all alone after murdering your father. All good stories come to an end I suppose... Although, your story wasn't exactly great, was it?" He continues as I keep my mind focused on how to get out of the building.

My eyes glance over the gun that's hanging out of Jon's blazer pocket. Shit.

"Are you even fucking listening to me?" He asks, furiously, catching my attention.

Unfortunately for me, his voice isn't loud enough to go through the walls of my home.

"Jon..." I whisper, at a loss for what to do.

His snarly smile makes me shiver.

"Come on, Annastaćia. Let's go." He prompts, holding his hand out towards me.

I gulp and stare at his broad, murderous hand.

"Now." He warns, making me stare back into his eyes.

I slide myself up the door and try to come up with a plan. The only plan I can think of. Run. I subtly slide my hand to grab the handle of my door, taking a deep breath. In my head I count.




I slam the handle of my door down and rip the door open, instantly spinning to run as I see Jon pull the weapon from his pocket. Accardo and Tony spin around and see me run through the door. I slam it shut as Jon fires, the bullet going straight through my door, just missing my head as I duck, screeching.

Accardo and Tony pull the guns from their own pockets and instantly hold them up towards my building as Accardo wraps his over arm around my waist, pulling me against his body protectively.

"Who's in there, Anna?" Tony asks, seriously, as the three of us back away from the building.

"Jon. It's Jon!" I manage to say through my heavy breaths.

"Fucking bastard has some nerve." Accardo mutters, evidently seething.

The door is kicked open and out comes the man himself.

"You killed your own father, Annastaćia. If that's not gonna drive you to insanity, nothing will." My father's right-hand man laughs.

"Shut the fuck up before I shoot this straight through your damn head." Accardo spits, absolutely furious.

"Mr Leondrí, I hope you're aware that your life is going to constantly be in danger so long as you have that disappointment of a woman with you." Jon comments, smirking.

"Call my woman a disappointment again, Parterson, I fucking dare you." The mafia boss responds, his tight on me still secure.

Jon merely laughs, bitterly.

"Your woman? YOUR woman?! That isn't your woman, Leondrí. Please be aware that anyone who worked under Mr Markus Kieant did not have the sole order to protect him," He begins, making Tony raise an eyebrow in concern. "We were given one order by Mr Kieant, and that was to make sure that she marries Gregory damned Vanhouse-Kieant." He states.

"Well, I'm sorry that your little plan is going to fail, miserably." Accardo nonchalantly responds.

"Except, you do realise that your little woman has poison coursing through her blood right now, don't you, Accardo? That only Gregory himself has the antidote?" Jon mocks, making Accardo's eyes widen.

"I would rather die from the poison than be put in the arms of that asshole!" I spit, snapping out of my trance.

Tony and Accardo both look at me in surprise.

"You can go to hell, Jon, because I am not marrying that bastard." I add, making Jon laugh.

"It wasn't up for negotiation, sweetheart."

"To hell it wasn't." I spit, suddenly grabbing the gun from Accardo's hand and holding it to my head.

Tony drops his arms and widens his eyes, Accardo freezes, as Jon looks mortified.

"Anna." Accardo warns, but I don't care.

"Don't be an idiot, Annastaćia." Jon mutters, but the worry in his voice is evident.

"I. Would. Rather. Die. Than. Marry. Him." I repeat, slowly. One word at a time.

Tony audibly gulps.

"Stop acting like a spoilt brat." Jon spits, clearly tense.

"Stop getting involved in matters that have no concern of yours, Jon. Your boss is dead, stop following empty orders." I tell him, confident.

"Your father was never my fucking boss, Annastaćia, my boss just told me to report into Markus instead." He admits, making my eyebrows rise. "My fucking boss is Gregory!" He shouts.

"Your boss is a filthy man." I simply mutter.

"Stop being irrational and come here." Jon states, trying to return the subject to the situation at hand.

"I'd rather die knowing that I didn't give in to that despicable being than obey him because of his petty threats!" I exclaim, desperately.

"Looks like we're gonna have to speed up the process..." Jon tuts, followed by a gunshot firing.

"FUCK!" Tony grunts, dropping to his knees.

My eyes widen as I look behind us and see none other than my fucking half-brother himself, holding up his gun.

"CARTER!" Accardo shouts, kneeling to help his best friend and right-hand man.

"Get her out of here, Accardo." Tony's weakening voice demands, but Accardo growls.

He looks up at Gregory to shout something when my scream catches his attention. Jon throws the gun that was once in my hand aside, away from Accardo and Tony, pulling me backwards away from the pair.

"NO! ACCARDO! TONY!" I frantically squeal, thrashing about.

Accardo's head is snapping back and forth between Tony and I.

"I got what I came here for, now let's get out of here." Gregory simply utters, completely ignoring the pair on the floor.

Accardo Leondrí's POV

I have never been so unprepared and confused in my life. What do I fucking do?!

"Accardo..." Tony's gasping voice catches my attention. "Go after her..." He tells me, but I shake my head.

"I'm not letting you fucking die here, Antony Carter. Come on!" I order, glancing back at Anna who's smiling as she watches me help Tony lean his weight on me.

I can't handle watching her be dragged away from me by those bastards, but I can't leave Tony here to die. I'll get Anna back.

"I'll come for you." I mime with my lips towards her as she nods, tears streaming. 

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