Happy Saint Patty's Day

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It's Saint Patty's day currently! We've all got the luck of the Irish with us today! You know I'm actually part Irish, along with English, German, and a bit of French. Isn't it awesome being an American? Having so many different countries in you because your family came to the country in the 1880's, only 138 years ago? Makes me think of this one meme I saw awhile ago that I can't fine but I remember it.

British Person:I'm British, what's your nationality?

French Person: I'm French.

Spanish Person:I'm Spanish.

American: I'm 35% Irish, 10% German, 10% It-

British Person:Thank you America but no one cares.

It represents us so well, that one meme. I tried to find but I just spent a half looking at memes about America and other countries.

I'll look at Irish memes later then.

Happy Saint Patty's day! I fogort what I was doing with this chapter.


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