Church and Halloween

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So yesterday I was dragged to church by my friend. Funfact, I don't go to church on a normal basis. I find it boring and not nesacary. It's boring, and when in there listening to a boring person talk about stuff I could care less about I could be sleeping. I've probably just offended over half the people reading this, oh well.


Also yesterday I was super disappointed. Since I was running on six hours of sleep I was extremely irritable. I was at Walmart looking for the cow onsie I needed and we couldn't find it. So we were looking and my mom finds it. It was an extra extra large! If you didn't know, I'm a small, not an extra extra large. And what's worse, my sister and dad were making it 109 times worse! My sister was adding in her two cents as she tried to prove her point, I think that's it, but she only mad me even angrier. So I obviously yelled at her to shut up. My dad yells at me to stop yelling at her when she is constantly acting like fricking little princess who deserves everything and does no bad. HA! Is what I say to that. So I ended up super stressed and had to get a scarecrow costume. Obviously it had just about no skin left uncovered, so I need to wear a long sleeved shirt and leggings under it.

Ack! I feel like crap. That's all i have to complain about, or else I would end up writing a novel by accident. Goodbye~An extremely ticked off Aquarius

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