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Elsa Winters

"We're home!" Hearing Astrid's voice echo throughout the appartment, I immediately rubbed the traitorous tears away with my shirt sleeves and gathered composure. Neither Astrid nor Jack should see me like this. I'm sure, they would criticize and would question on why I am crying. Well, I can't blame the telanovelas for making me cry because they arrived here while the television is turned off.

I heard his loud and heavy footsteps, causing me to turn my gaze around. With a grunt, he dropped all the things they had bought unto the counter before rolling his eyes. He seems to do that oftenly and now it makes me wonder on how his eyeballs still stay the same.

"H-how was shopping?" I stuttered out, clearing the thoughts in my mind. His gaze went to my direction and for a split second, his brows that were scrunched into an exausted frown vanished and was replaced with his signature smirk.

"It was fun." He responded casually. "You never told me that she's really ecstatic when it comes to buying vegetables." He added which made me want to go and strangle Astrid. That bitch never liked vegetables.

"Yeah, she does like vegetables." I lied, giving him a half-smile. Jack shrugged, his smirk growing wider as he leaned against the counter.
"So, how are you?"

"I've never been great." He told me truthfully. "I like being with her actually. She makes me happy and I make her happy. She never rejects my efforts, you know." Those words of him were like a ten-wheeler truck as it hit me. It made me cringe and at the same time, it killed me.

Yes, sometimes, I never get to tell him on how nice it feels to have my clothes ironed by him. I never got to tell him that he makes me happy-- he makes me happy all the time and the sight of him smiling never failed to let my heart skip a beat. If I was just that verbal, he wouldn't have to tell these.

"Uhm, that's nice, I guess." I responded, not really certain on what I would tell him.

"It is and I am looking forward to ask her on a date." He grinned widely.

"A date?!"

"Yes, a date-- just her and I, tonight." Jack sighed dreamily. The image of him and Astrid surrounded by fancy flowers, candles, and an orchestra made me sick. They would eat and Jack, the natural charmer he is, would reach out to wipe the corner of her lip because she's a messy ass eater-- I'll drag her down to the Underworld before this damned date happens.

"Go fuck yourself."

"What?" He asked.

Oops, did I say that out loud?

"Go to a duck place. She likes the C-chinese dish...the uh--"

"Peking duck?" He interrupted as my eyes widened in agreement even if I don't know what he meant. I don't even know recipes that involve ducks but the ones that you would find in the Philippines.

"Yes, Peking duck." I smiled. "She likes ducks so much that she looked like one." I mumbled, drawing out a long sigh.

"Then, I shall get her the biggest duck."

"You should and you better stuff it into her throat until she no longer could breathe."


"Elsa, could you help me with this one?" Astrid called out, interrupting me from folding the linens that Jack had washed.

"I'm sorry. I quite bus--"

"Just zip it for me, please!" With a groan, I rolled the linen that I was supposed to fold and carelessly placed it on top of the others. Sighing, I made my way to the spare bedroom in which she is currently using.

The door was ajar, offering me a nice view of Astrid standing in front of the mirror with her back completely exposed. Her gaze was focused on me although she had her back facing on my direction.

"I'm having a trouble with the zipper." She told me with a smile as I, without any choice, walked towards her so that I could finish this and go back to folding. My fingertips met her bare back and I wouldn't deny that it felt the way it was before. Her skin was still smooth and it smells attracting. The thought of me underneath the sheets witg her crossed my mind yet I shook them all away.

I already have Jack and he's enough for me.

I focused onto zipping until I finally got it and zipped it right up. The midnight blue dress fits her so well for it accentuated her curves plus it matches her complexion.

"Thank you, Elsie." She muttered, slowly turning around to face me, causing me to freeze on my position. I was surprise on the proximity of our faces. She's just a few inches away from me and one move, our faces would touch. But the worse thing is that, it seems like the lack of space between us doesn't bother her at all.

"Oh, Elsa." She whispered, drawling out my name into a seductive purr. My eyes widened at her, wanting to do the Karate-Chop at her but I can't seem to do it. I am far too shocked to move or to react. "I never really want Jack." She whispered as she inched closer to my face until I could already feel her lips against my jaw.


"Shh, baby. He's not going to find out." She giggled, pulling away with her smirk on her face. Her eyes studied me for a moment before speaking. "You're still the same Elsa I used to fuck every night. You're the same old Elsa that I scream my name," she paused, her hand went up to my cheeks, caressing my skin.

Instead of feeling hypnotized by her alluring words and beauty, I felt dirty.

"God, you're so beautiful." She whispered and leaned in. Before I could even realize what she was going to do, she captured my lips onto hers. Her lips moved onto mine while I stood there surprise. Astrid's hands went lower to my thighs, making me gasp. To my dismay, my body is reacting to her touch while my mind disagrees. Her hands felt good on mine but what would Jack say?

What would Jack think of me?

I pushed Astrid away in which her perfectly sculpted brows furrow into a deep frown. "What the fuck?"

"It's wrong, so damn wrong." I said, taking deep breaths to calm myself.

What if Jack had saw the whole thing?

"What's wrong? We were just having a good time--"

"No! You were molesting me! That was clearly out of my will!" I exclaimed.

"Your body says differen--"

"Stop! I don't want you to continue with this conversation." I interrupted her.

"What's pulling you back, Elsa? I thought you love me?"

No. I don't love you anymore and the respect I had for you was gone after you laid your finger on me.

"I loved you. Take note it's in past tense."

"I don't ca--"

"You don't? Well, do whatever you wanna do because I ain't giving a shit about you." I sneered. "I'm over with you. I am done loving you."


I wanna thank you all for the support, for those commented and read; it really means a lot to me. I'm thanking you here and not on thr comment section because Wattpad has issues especially in notifications and etc.

You all are the ones that inspires me to finish this story. 💕

Anyways, I hope you enjoyes this chapter!

Love yall!

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