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Elsa Winters

Emma brought out a photo album with Emilia and Jack Frost imprinted onto its leather front cover. With a heave, she dropped the photo album on the table as it landed with a thud. Grinning widely, she began flipping through the pages that are filled with different photographs of them. I felt my lips tug up, seeing Emma beam at some whilst she scanned the whole album.

"Aha!" She exclaimed, stopping right at the page where the photographs were perfectly taken.

I stared at the photographs, silently admiring their beauty. I couldn't help but to think the stories behind in each of these lovely photos. The first photo on the top right has tall buildings with illuminating lights whilst the photo beside it, is a photograph of wide field of flowers that has all the colors in the world.

I wonder if these were Emma's travels.

"These are my brother's photographs. He took photography back in college but then switched to Business Management." She spoke whilst her index finger traced the pages.

I looked at her, tilting my head.

I didn't know that asshole took photography. I couldn't even imagine him taking pictures. He probably looked like a total doofus back then-- until now, he still does look like an utter doofus.

Emma then flipped past through the photographs with beautiful sceneries and stopped on the page with child drenched in the tub of bubbles and water whilst he played with a rubber ducky on his hand.

She giggled, pointing at the photo. "That's Jack!" She exclaimed, giggling. I felt myself giggling along with her. He looks so innocent and cute. Those blue eyes of his gleamed in joy and a smile is plastered on his baby face. I, as well, couldn't hide the smile forming on my lips.

Our giggles slowly died down as Emma took a sharp breath. She turned to me with a full grin pasted on her lips."What can you say about my brother?" Emma asked, grinning widely at me.

I chuckled, running my hand through my wild hair.

"He's cute." I responded truthfully, earning a playful glare at her. I gave her a questioning look before chuckling. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

"Nothing!" She exclaimed happily before flipping to another page.

Bipolar much.

As I scanned the page, I came across of a particular picture that made me raise my brows. A girl in her fourteens or fifteens, stood tall with a dazzling smile on her pretty face while her blue eyes gleamed in joy. I noticed the guy standing beside her with his arm wrapped around her waist protectively.

It was Jack.

Everything in him shouted 'back off'. His composure, position of his hands, his blue eyes and his pierced lips, shouted 'back off'. Terrifying, yes, but something bugged me more than anything.

That is the girl on his left.

Yes, she's breathtakingly beautiful. But who is she? I know it isn't my business or my right to care, but is it a crime to be curious?

"You really do have all the similarities, especially the color of your eyes." She said, nodding, still gazing deeply onto the portrait of a smiling teenage girl. "Evelyn, that's her name."

"She's the wife?!"

"Yep, she's the wife." Emma smiled, her eyes twinkling. Her gaze met mine as she let out a small giggle. To my surprise, her hand brushed against mine, causing my cheeks to turn into tomato red.

"Don't worry, I still ship Jelsa."

If Emma only knew that I have no interest with her brother.


"Tell me about yourself."

I stiffened at Emma's question.

My heart clenched, reminding me of the memories that were buried in the back of my mind.

"Are you alright?" I looked up, meeting those blue eyes that held concern. Those sweet eyes that I usually stare, silently calming me; like the ocean that tosses forward to the sands then pulls back.


"Tell me about yourself." She spoke, leaning in with her chin resting against her knuckles. I raised my eyebrow in a questioning manner, causing her to smile. "I'm not nosy but I'm really curious about you especially when I heard thousands of stories about you."

I frowned. "About me?"

She smiled bitterly, nodding. "Yep. Most of them were horrible and I just wanna confirm if those are true."

I sighed.

Great, Hercules' stupid lies about me had spread like a wild fire.

"No, they aren't true." I responded in a hushed tone. "It isn't true that something happened between I and Hercul--"

To my surprise, Astrid leaned in, pressing her lips against my cheek and whispered. "Don't worry, I believe in you."

"Sweet mother of Einstein! Elsa, are you okay?!" Emma's voice had cut me from my trance. Blinking several times, I nodded. She let out a long exhale and ran her fingers through her brown locks. "I thought you were going nuts! What happened to you?!"

I forced up a smiled and shook my head. "I just remembered something."

"That long?!" She exclaimed.

Wait, I dazed out for more than a minute?

I shrugged. "Yeah, it's just a thing that I do when I remember something."


I've been bombarded with school works and it feels like it's killing me already. Well, i actually have a choice to escape that hardship and that is by disregarding those school works but i simply couldn't when im aiming to be one of the top listers....

So yeah...

So much for that, I am really sorry for updating waaay late than usual and I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

Love y'all


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