352 22 13

Elsa Winters

He entered the room, locking the door behind him. Once the clicking sound of the lock resounded throughout the walls, my breath hitched whilst my heart doubled its own little pace. Even though silence is present and is slowly eating me to death, I could feel his hard stare burning on my bare back.

The feeling is far from comfortable. It was beyond uncomfortable. I wouldn't deny that the sexual tension between us thickens even though it is still our second time meeting seeing each other.

Without uttering any sound, I pulled the robe up to my shoulders, tying the lace attached on the robe. Well, he doesn't need to have a lengthy look. When I'm fully covered, I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my damp hair before I turned around and gave him a glare.

"Don't you know how to knock?!" I asked, raising my eyebrows in a mocking manner. He said nothing but the way his eyes gleam whilst it stared back at me, was enough to tell me that he doesn't really care.

"You're really rude, don't--"

My rant was cut off by a pair of strong arms being wrapped around my body. His face is buried on the crook of my neck while his ragged breath hit my bare neck, sending thousands of goosebumps down my skin. My little hollow and muscular organ located behind the sternum and in between my lungs, started beating in a fast way, scaring me.

If my heart won't slow down, I swear, he would hear it.

"Nervous, aren't we?" His deep chuckles seeped into my brain and in an instant, I became mute. "You're cute." The heat on the different parts of my body had transferred to my cheeks.

And the only thing that's missing is a frying pan, cooking oil and an egg.

Years ago, boys' flirtatious ways doesn't affect me but now. I wonder what had happened to me.

I really need to find a girlfriend.

"Excuse me, but can you please take your arms off me because you're suffocating me to death." Finally, I said something other than standing here like a bamboo tree.

Jake chuckled. "Did I do something wrong, Evelyn?" There's something in his tone that sent shivers down my spine. No, it isn't the cause of arousal but the way Evelyn escaped his mouth-- it is filled with despair and sadness.

Whoever that Evelyn is, I bet she made him disappointed.

But, that's none of my business. Besides, why would I mind his problem when I have my own? And that is, his arms still wrapped around me, making me sweat, as if I am walking across Sahara desert in the middle of the day.

"I'm no Evelyn. Now, let go of me, so, I could leave your room and you could do whatever you wanna do." I responded.

"Evelyn, why do you need to lie?"

If I could strangle him to death, I would've done it, in an instant.

Just like how you did to Astrid?


She didn't die, though.

"EMMAAAAAAAA!" I shouted.


I sighed, feeling the weight of him on my body. Groaning, I tried to push him off me yet he only tightens his grip around my waist. I took a quick look on his face to see if he's still alive. Luckily, he's still alive but just sleeping like an effing baby.

No wonder why it felt so heavy.

I took this opportunity to observe his sleeping state. I am well aware that staring at someone while they're sleeping is creepy but I kinda find it amusing when I see someone sleeping.

He had his eyes closed with his lips parted a bit which I find it really cute--

Geez, get a grip, Elsa!

As I was observing him, I saw his saliva slowly leaking down from his mouth and to this thin robe.


He fell asleep and now, drooling.

Where the hell is Emma.

Just before I could scream her name again, the door bursts open, revealing the brunette with an apron on and a spatula on the other. She gave me a questioning look but when she realized that a weirdo's hugging me, she squealed.

"The ship has sailed! Long live, Jelsa!" Her screeching didn't helped my situation here. It only made everything worse.

I could already feel his saliva on my shoulder.


The cheerful brunette made me a bowl of Ramen in which I am truly grateful for. Well, I've been craving for Ramen since two weeks ago and I couldn't afford to buy one because a pack of these Korean noodles costs more than fifty cents.

"You two look so cute together!" Emma gushed and giggled to herself. "Jelsa is love, Jelsa is life!" She's been chanting and acting like that since two hours ago. I wouldn't deny the fact that I am both annoyed and amused at the same time.

I like it when she runs up the staircase, screaming her made up battle cry for Jelsa ship(as what she likes to call it). I simply find it cute even though sometimes it gets annoying when she screams it into my ear.

But there's this one trait of hers that I really find adorable. That is, whenever she finds something disgusting, she'll twitch her nose, like a cute bunny.

"I'm really sorry if he had drooled on you. He usually goes to the bar, get himself all drunk up, then he drives himself to home." Emma spoke as she drew a long breath. "He does that when he's upset with something or he remembers his dead wife."

Woah, wait a minute.

I've been calling him the wrong name for like a three times already!

"And he has a dead wife?!" Emma's eyes went wide as I realized that I said that out loud. She giggled again and nodded vigorously.

"Yep. But never mention that to him or else he'll turn into something--"

"Like what?" I asked, intrigued. The freckled brunette looked around, checking if her brother's listening. When she found none, she leaned in and whispered.

"A crying potato."


I've been having troubles in writing this chapter since i feel like the inspiration i had had faded away which is not great.

Evelyn's the wife.

But i hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

Love y'all


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