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Elsa Winters

"It could. Now, if you may excuse m--" I hadn't let him walk past me because that's simply rude. So, I immediately grasped the back of his shirt pulling him back to where he was standing earlier. Jack glared at me yet a small smile situated in his lips which made me wonder if he's pissed or he had just lost his sanity.

"I can't believe you just turned your favorite lesbian down." I spoke, pouting at him. His eyes gleamed, givng me an amused look.

"You were serious about that?" He asked with a slight of uncertainty in his tone.

"Yeah, I was. But it seems like you're interested with som--" Now, it's my time to be interrupted. Jack suddenly pulled me up, left arm wrapped around my waist while his other hand had cupped my face and before I could realize it, he's already kissing me. His warm lips startled me at first but then, I found comfort in them. I gave in, letting my eyes flutter close and my body to relax.

I kissed him back.

The familiar rush of tingles traveled up in my veins along with the butterflies that I have in my stomach. My mind went blank as our lips devoured each other, bringing us to euphoria. My heart, on the other hand, had doubled its pace-- beating erratically. It isn't the first time we kissed and yet I could still feel the spark and the heat building up within me.

His places his hand on the back of my head, cradling my head as he deepened the kiss. I found myself wanting to feel the warmth of his bare skin against mine and that's when my hands made their way on the hem of his shirt, tugging it to be removed. He took notice of my desperation for his shirt to be taken off, so he pulled away, taking his tee off and tossing it somewhere before he went back to kissing me.

Jack bit my lip and our tongues explored each others mouths until he pulled away with his breath ragged. He connected his lips on my neck, kissing as the stubble growing on his jaw left thousands of tiny abrasions on my skin. A moan rolled of my tongue, my hands slid up and down against his bare torso. I started to feel his hard manhood against my abdomen, taking me back to reality.

Well shit.

I removed my hands from him as I slowly pushed him away. Jack stared at me, giving me a worried look and my only reply is by pointing on his hard-on that he has while I shook my head disapprovingly. I plopped back down to the couch, wiping my swollen lips with the back of my hand.

I'm still high from that near sex make-out session we had. I only asked for a kiss not some tongue-involved shit.

"I'm a man! I can't prevent these!" He exclaimed, gesturing on his awakened ding dong.

"Go away and do something about that." I shooed him away, playfully kicking him.

"Can't you just handle this? I mean, there's a lot of things you could do with my friend here." He spoke seductively.

"You're disgusting. After finshing your business, make sure you come back here and bring some alcohol that you stacked in this appartment." I told him, making him frown.

"How the fuck did you found out that I have liquors in my place?"

"I have my ways, Frost."

Once he left, that's when I felt like I wanna scream. Everything became more confusing and all I want to do is drown myself with alcohol and scream. So, I grabbed the nearest pillow, burying my face into it and screamed as loud as possible. I'll just drown myself in alcohol later.

I thought kissing him would make everything clear.

But then, I'm wrong. It had only made everything confusing.

Confused  » Jelsa AUWhere stories live. Discover now