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Elsa Winters

"How many times do I have to tell you that it is not safe to be here!" I scolded before grabbing him by the collar and yanked him down, just right behind the bushes. He sent me a threatening glare and nudged my side, causing me to loose balance with my ass hitting the ground.

"I don't give a damn, as long as I could assure that my sister is safe!" He responded, standing up and towered against the bushes.

You could tell our argument is something about stalking someone. And yes, you got that right-- I mean, why on earth would we be hiding on the bushes like two idiots?

To be perfectly honest, it's Jack's plan to have this so-called 'Operation: Stalk my sister because she has to go to the park with a boy with her'. See! It sounds ridiculously awkward as if it is some reused teen fiction plotline!

"Everything's bullshit! Including your diligence--"

"If you can't say any good things, then, I suggest that you keep your mouth shut." He snapped, clearly annoyed.

Rolling my eyes, I stood up and saw Emma with a blonde guy, whom she's laughing along. As I watched the two of them get all touchy, I felt my heart being ripped into pieces. Yes, I still have this attraction for her and it's still here-- going deeper and more worse whenever I see her beautiful smile in her face.

"--and spacing out doesn't help either." Jack added.

"Oh shut up. You're just jealous because I've got better ideas than you do." I sneered.

"Oh yeah? Then, what was that-- be the third party and join them in their little let's-go-to-the-park-because-we're-already-dating?"

They're already dating?!

"T-they're already dating?!" I coughed, making him turn to me and gave me a blank look.

"Yes, Elsa. They are already dating." He responded, blandly. "Would you like me to repeat my previous sentence for like-- I don't know-- fifty times?"

Damn, it hurts more than it should.

"No thanks, Jackie-boy." I said, smirking.

Jack shook his head and turned his attention to his sister fully.

If I were in Jack's position, I think I would do the same. Seeing my little sister, Annalise, go and start dating men whom I've never met would definitely raise suspicions. In simple words, the brotherly-slash-sisterly love links Jack and I.

"I wonder where Elsa went." Jack spoke, slightly nudging my arm which caused me to snap back to reality. Looking to him, I gave him a questioning look. "I wonder where Elsa went." He repeated.

"I'm obviously right beside you, dumb fucker." I replied.

"Oh, I didn't noticed that you were there because you were too busy spacing out while I ramble all my plans to ruin my sister's ex-boyfriend!" He exclaimed. "Now, I feel so unimportant because you had forsaken me!"

I thought they were dating and now they broke up?! Wow, time surely does flies fast--

"You're doing it again!" He exclaimed, shaking me vigorously with his strong arms.

"D-ddoing what?" I muttered out while I was still being shaken by this mad whiny man.

"Your spacing out thing! I feel so unimportant!"

Oh, so he's angry at me because I was busy thinking over mg thoughts? How shallow.

"You're being childish!" I exclaimed, trying to get his boney arms away from me. "I hate childish people!" He took a step back, a little bit further away from me and let his arms swing on his side.

"I'm being childish because you're giving her more attention that I deserve." He sighed.

"You're obviously not a child!"

"I was being childish because you like her. You like my sister and I hate the thought of you being with her." He blurted out, the words rolled off his tongue as if they were nothing but hot burning coals in his mouth.

I felt my thoat went dry when I heard thise words from him. Am I just that obvious? I mean-- yeah, I've been caught staring at her for numerous times but I didn't knew--

"Can't you just avert that affection to me?" He growled in a low voice as I felt his hand grip against my arm. Frowning, I tried shaking off his grip but I failed because only tugged my closer to him. "Can you do that for me, huh?"

"Why on earth would I?" I scoffed. "Didn't I made it clear to you in the first place that I will never be interested to boys-- boys like you!"

"I'm not a boy. I am a man." He announced, proudly.

"You and your masculinity doesn't matter nor concern me!"

With a blink of an eye, he immediately cupped my face within his palms, pulling his face closer to me. Our noses are already touching each other while I stood there, awkward and humiliated.

"So, I do not matter?" He whispered, smirking. "What about when you kissed me back? Does that mean I do not matter to you?"

This is what I fear. Him mentioning one of my weaknesses.


If my throat was dry because of Jack mentioned about my attraction to his sister, my throat even became more dry as he mention the kiss that we shared.

"T-that was definitely an accident." I responded, feeling the heat surge to my cheeks.

"Oh yeah?"


"Oh! I never knew that Elsa and Jack are here!" I heard Emma's sweet voice a few meters on my right. Turning to them, I saw the blonde guy had his arms wrapped around her waist while his chin rested against her shoulder.

Wait, I thought they broke up?

"Jack, I thought they broke up." I spoke, confused.

"Well, I know that would catch your attention."

"I gotta take a photo of this before it'll be gone!" I turned my gaze back to him. "Aren't they cute?" Emma gushed.

She's obviously not interested in you, probably she knew about you hurting Astrid and she just kept her mouth shut because she doesn't want to offend you.

Will you shut up?!

You know that I won't until you admit to yourself that you're just one pathetic loser, who still hasn't moved on from her ex-girlfriend.

I have nothing to prove to you because I have already moved on!

"Say Jelsa!"

And before Emma could press the button of her DSLR camera, I had captured his lips with mine.

I already moved on.


I'm sorry for the late update. I was really busy with school stuff(exams and intramurals). i had no time to write and publish.

Anyways, the next chapters will be Jelsa fluff and more Jelsa fluff.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Love yall!


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