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Elsa Winters

"How the hell do women do this as if it's the easiest thing in the world?"

My gaze snapped back to Jack who was busy knotting his necktie. Though with a troubled expression on his face, he seemed to knot his tie without asking my help and I couldn't help but to feel proud for my best buddy.

Yes, he complained but he usually does that every single time, especially when it comes to neckties and I got used to it.  For the past few days, he kept on bugging me to knot it for him and it was a shock that he hadn't asked me today.

"Looks like I won't be needing you anymore." He smirked.

"Well, I should move out, then." I responded which made his eyes go wide as he dropped his whole egotistic act.

"No, no, I was just kidding, mon cherie." Jack smiled. "I love you so much that I would never let you move out!" I rolled my eyes at him for being pathetic. We both knew that if I would get separated from him and be placed in another room for merely four hours, he would burst into tears.

Love makes one pathetic.

"And I still need you. You will be the mother of the next generation because I will make sure that I will impregnate you hundreds of times." He announced, making me stare at him in disbelief.

"You're simply saying that you are going to fuck me hundreds of times."

"Of course, snowqueen. How are we going to produce offsprings if we don't fuck each other?" He asked suggestively.

"I don't know... test tube babies?"

"Geez, I want the natural way, Elsa." He grinned.

"Well, get another woman, you sick bastard." I joked but it seems like he took it seriously.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you like that-- I was just joking around. God, I'm so stupid. I'm sorry, Elsa." He rambled which made me laugh.

"You're so dense." I smiled. "I was just jokin--"

"If you were joking, then, I shall give you so many babies!" He spoke with assurance as I laughed. It's funny how he always talks about the future, our future. He would tell me all the dreams and he speaks about me being his wife-- which has no issue with me, to be honest-- while we have dozen of little chubby kids.

But our wages are minimum and could only support the two of us plus I could have some problems in the ovaries which would prevent me from having children.

"I might be impotent."

"Then, there will be no children-- just you and me." He smirked, causing me to feel the slight heat on my cheeks. Jack, then, wraps me in a bear hug in which made me feel like I could already burn someone with my cheeks.

Geez, for fuck's sake, I should've been used with all his flirtings that he throws at me every day.

"You're blushing and it's cute. But being late for the fifth time for this week, isn't cute."


"Mister Frost and Miss Winters, late!" Our manager, Missus Susanne Tremaine, exclaimed loudly, earning some attention from our co-workers.  Seriously, this woman has hearing problems-- I mean, she doesn't have to shout whenever Jack and I arrive late.

"Another deduction from your salary and then, the both of you would be jobless. How sad." Susanne pouted her badly painted magenta colored lips which made me cringe. To be honest, I don't apply lipstick unless there's an important event, but I could color my lips better than this woman who does it in a daily basis.

"We actually don't need money and we just like to have jobs because that's an adult thing to do." Jack responded as we walked past Susanne with a smirk. Once we arrived at my desk, he immediately took out all of my things from my bag, grunting when he had saw that I ruined his neatly organized arrangements of his things.

Mister Maverick's planner had some pages being folded because I carelessly shoved my necessities in. It's not my fault though. If Jack had only let me borrow one of his bags, I wouldn't sabotage his things.

"I love you, Elsa and I really do. But your irresponsibility really ticks me off." Jack sighed, giving me one of those 'dad-is-awfully-serious look'.

"Alright, alright. I'll try my very best next time." I giggled, taking my things from his arms and dumped in on my desk, causing a loud thud. He glared at me but I waved him off, gesturing him to go away because I would be burying myself with another paperwork.

Once Jack had left, Jasmine emerged from beneath her table with a wide smile on her face. She immediately sat down on her chair, pushing back all the files that she needs to proofread, and rested her head against the palm of her hand.

"You two look so freaking cute together!" She squealed, making me sigh.

Jasmine is the only co-worker that Jack and I interacted with. It's not because we hate others, we just want to be discreet when it comes to socializing. In simple words, we kinda don't like to expose ourselves with anybody else. We were supposed to work here without talking to anyone unless it is important but Jasmine being the loud, annoying, and not to mention, ultimately nosey, I was forced to talk to her.

Now, she considers us as best friends even though we only met last week.

"We're not together, Jasmine." I responded curtly. All of the sudden, she became wild as a tiger, screeching here and there.

"That is so cute! Denying your feelings but after a few days, you'll realize that you love him and he loves you. Then, a happily ever after will come-- ooh, babies and a happy family!" She rambled, as if she's some kid who's high from candies.

I sighed and mentally facepalmed myself. Jasmine is simply wrong on so many things. Firstly, I already admitted to myself that I love him and he loves me too. Secondly, there will be no happily ever after since we're obviously going to be buried down with debts. Lastly, having children isn't part of my priorities in life.

"Oh my gee! If you're going to have a child, please, let me be his or her godmother!" She squealed and I shrugged in response as I continued with whatever I am supposed to do but Jasmine interrupted me from doing it.

"Elsa please!"



ive been feeling down lately.

i hope you enjoyed this chapter even though its somewhat off and unpleasantly written!

Love yall!


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