Part 28 : a new beginning

Start from the beginning

Pyrrha : "but i failed" she said looking sad.

Me : "I couldn't save you, i was the one who failed" i said as i felt a hand on my shoulder.

Marie : "it's none of your faults. Don't worry about that. Worry about what you're going to do next. You need to train to use your power. You're stronger than you think (Y/N)"

Pyrrha : "yes, we'll help you from here but you'll need help in the real world too" she said as i thought about who could possibly help me.

Me : "what about Ozpin ?" I said as Marie looked sad.

Marie : "Ozpin..... he went missing" she said as me and Pyrrha looked at her shocked.

Me : "What?! What do you mean he went missing ?"

Pyrrha : "He can't be!"

Marie : "i felt it myself"

Pyrrha : "Professor Ozpin is gone ? How are we going to fight back ? There's no way we can win this" she said as Marie suddenly smiled.

Marie : "but don't worry, he'll reincarnate soon enough"

Pyrrha : "what!!!!!" She yelled as i remembered something.

Me : "oh yeah, i remember them telling me something like that"

Pyrrha : "what are you talking about?! I don't understand!!!"

Marie : "i'll explain everything to you later Pyrrha, but (Y/N) needs to wake up now"

Pyrrha : "okay then, you better" she said as Marie just chuckled.

Me : "what do i do now ?"

Marie : "train with your powers"

Me : "how ? I don't have a teacher"

Marie : "find the spring maiden, she can help you"

Me : "the spring maiden ? Who is that ?"

Marie : "by being linked to your soul, i could see your memories...... all of it...." she said with a saddened look.

Me : "i'm sorry that you have to see them" i said trying to comfort her.

Marie : "i'm fine as long as you are"

Me : "thank you"

Marie : "anyways, from your memories, i saw the spring maiden" she said as i looked at her shocked.

Me : "what?! I've met her before ?" I said as Pyrrha had a shocked look on her face.

Marie : "yes, from the memories of your night attack on the Branwen tribe, i saw a maiden. Remember the woman you fought that night ?"

Me : "you mean Raven ?"

Marie : "yes, the last thing you saw before you were knocked out was her using her maiden power" she said as me and Pyrrha were shocked. I couldn't believe that after all those times the Saviors were searching for the maidens, we actually met one and didn't even notice.

Me : "then i must find her"

Marie : "good luck (Y/N), and remember..... you could always find us here"

Pyrrha : "yeah.... and please.... don't die... don't leave me- i mean us.." she said with a nervous look on her face.

Me : "thank you for everything"

Marie : "you've changed...."she suddenly said.

Pyrrha : "i agree" she said as i looked at them confused.

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