Chapter 31 - Hit The Road Jack (Ray Charles)

Start from the beginning

My last trip yielded a Jeep full of corn and potatoes plus a young buck. I spotted a large group of heavily armed men camped near a river about fifteen miles out from the edge of the city.

Managed to steer clear, they never knew I was there.

I'm heading out on a three-night run soon. My longest and furthest yet.

I'll go as far as a small town about thirty miles out. Scavenge what I can on the way then return. We've plotted my course on a map along with several return route options.

I'll check in via the walkie once I reach the outskirts of Atlanta. So they'll know my direction heading home.


That last night? Guille became a man possessed. Not letting anything get between his skin and mine.

He barely gave me a chance to catch my breath before diving back in again. Almost frantically, as if he's starving and I'm his last meal.

I'm getting a little bit worried about his control. We still haven't gone 'all the way'. And I'm worried he'll reach tipping point....won't stop.

But he pulled himself back just in time, crying out his pleasure.

Guille crushed me to him for such a long while, silent and shaking. Then started apologising over and over again. Until I hushed him.

"You've been patient with me for so long now. Don't ever say you're sorry. It should be me begging your forgiveness. For holding myself back....not being brave enough to take...."

"Don't!"  He cried out in anguish.

"Please don't!  I used you tonight, Nate. And it can't be excused."

"Well about I return the favour and we call it even?"

I didn't give him a chance to respond and soon had us both crying out in unison.

Before we slipped into sleep I whispered....

"I love you, Guille."

"I know, little one...."  He responded quietly,

"....I've always known."

He sounded....almost sad?


Yesterday, I made it out of the city without incident. Flying past a few zombies in the Jeep.

Had myself a little chuckle? Once I realised I'm driving on the left-hand side of the Aussie's do.

I made my way back to the field where I originally found the corn. There was still some left. Pretty dried out now but still useable.

At another small holding, I found a plot of strawberries. Overgrown with weeds yet flourishing. I picked away like crazy, gobbling my fill of their warm sweetness at the same time.

Became so engrossed with stuffing my face, it was on me before I realised.



Jorge will be disgusted by my lapse.

She must've been quite obese before becoming un-dead again. Threw her weight on me and I collapsed under it. With her teeth snapping so close to my face that I wheezed under the effort of holding her back.

I threw a forearm between her head and mine, feeling her teeth try to get purchase on my canvas arm guard. Sliding my other hand down, I wrenched a knife free from its leg strap.

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