Part 27 : aftermath

Start from the beginning

I looked to the right to see my dad, Taiyang. He was still sleeping. It looked like he was waiting for me to wake up. What happened to me ? I then yawned and i saw my dad waking up.

Dad : "Ruby! You're awake!" He yelled while rushing towards the edge of the bed i was on.

Me : "what happened ?" I said weakly, thinking about what happened. I can't remember......

Dad : "your uncle Qrow found you! Unconscious, but he got you outta there though. He brought you home safe" he said trying to reassure me. Then, yang came to mind.

Me : "wait! Yang! Is she all right?!" I said as his expression changed to a bitter one.

Dad: "uhh........ she's uhh........ she's gonna be all right. She just need to get use to things. She's strong, this won't stop her. I'm just glad to see my girls save back at home"

Me : "what about the school?! And Vale?!"

Dad : "Vale is under control....... but Beacon...... it's not that simple......... that thing, whatever it is..... doesn't seem to be dead. But don't get me wrong, you fought hard...... but it's not disappearing............ it just froze and it keeps attracting more grimm to the school" he said but I don't know what he was talking about.

Me : "i did what ?" I said as he just looked at me confused. Then suddenly, uncle Qrow came in through the door.

Uncle : "Tai, can we get a minute ?"

Dad : "what ? I can't stay ?"

Uncle : "Tai..... please" Dad could only sigh before leaving the room. Uncle Qrow then sat on a chair before drinking a little.

Uncle : "so... how you feelin ?"

Me : "i'm kinda hurt.... all over" i said as he chuckled a little.

Uncle : "that makes sense.... after what you did" he said, like before.... I didn't know what he was talking about. What did i do exactly ?

Me : "you guys keep saying that! That i did something! What are you talking about?!"

Uncle : "what's the last thing you remember ?" He asked as i searched my mind for anything that can help me remember.

Me : "i ran up the side of the tower and when i got to the top i-i......." suddenly, it all came back to me as my eyes grew wide after the realization. I remembered it all......

Me : "Marie! Pyrrha! And..... (Y/N)!!! Are they all right!!!" I practically yelled at him as he looked down with regret in his eyes.

Uncle : "Pyrrha is gone....... but i do you know about Marie and (Y/N). We found blood but there weren't any bodies or remains" he said as tears started to pour out of my eyes.

Me : "(Y/N).... h-he's........" I couldn't bring myself to say it............ and yet, my mind is screaming that he's gone........ my heart.......... it's begging life itself that it was all just a bad dream.

Uncle : "Ruby ? Do you know anything about what happened to him ?" He said as more tears began to fill my eyes every time i remember it.

Me : "h-he d-died..........." i said weakly trying to hold back the tears............... but i can't.

Uncle : "w-what! He can't be!"

Me : "i-i saw with my own eyes....... t-that woman had a sword through his chest...." i said as i could feel my insides burning. I haven't felt like this before.

Uncle : "that woman ?"

Me : "I don't know who it is but there was someone else other than Cinder there"

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