Chapter 12

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The next day, Draco Malfoy was up to his old shenanigans. Well, sort of. He had just taken five points from a Gryffindor who bumped into him in the Hall, and had nicked a bottle of mead from the kitchen for that night. Being around Hermione Granger had made him a little too soft. He was trying to reform, but he wasn't going to be a pushover. The name Malfoy had a long line of power and prestige to live up to.

Blaise met him outside of Charms with Astoria Greengrass hanging on his arm. As soon as she saw Draco she glared, and walked away.

"Hope you don't mind mate. The girl just has those great lips."

"Blaise you saw her reaction to me. Not like I have any claim over her. Not that I ever claim any girl for that matter."

"Now I have an excuse for being a play boy. My mom has been married seven times, you Draco, had two parents in a seemingly happy marriage. Will you ever settle down?"

"Eventually I assume my mother will make me to carry on the family appearance, but it's not a day I look forward to."

The two entered Flickwicks classroom and got comfortable in the back row.

The lesson dragged on that day as Draco tried his hardest to pay attention, but failed. He made the executive decision to take the rest of the day off.

"Blaise, I know day drinking is for drunkards, but what would say to a glass of mead in my common room? I promise no Granger. She will be in class for sure."

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