Chapter 9

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This chapter will be shorter with lots of pictures. I myself like visual aids particularly when it comes to clothing so when it is important to the story I will have chapters like this to show it.*

Ginny's personal style was very different from Hermione's, but she was extremely good at picking Hermione's clothing. The dress for her perfectly highlighting what she liked (her waist, chest, and arms), and hiding what made her insecure (the size of her bottom, and extra weight carried in the thighs). She did a little twirl, and the skirt fluttered nicely without rising too high. It was almost too good to be true.

A knock on the dressing room door proved that to be true

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A knock on the dressing room door proved that to be true.

"Ginny! Those scraps of clothing you are carrying are NOT pajamas!"

"I assure you, they are. And they will look good."

"Look at this? Who wears a cropped shirt and tiny shorts to bed?"

"I do actually. And Harry likes them. And if Harry likes them so will Draco." Ginny said matter-of-factly.

"To begin with Ginny, gross. And I'm trying to cohabit with Malfoy not seduce him!"

"You see I got to thinking about that. Here he is parading women around in the living quarters you share. Mostly because he has little respect and interest in you. However, were he to become attracted to you, he would want to focus a little more on catching your attention. And boom! Your living room would be slag free!"

"You have lost your mind. In case you have forgotten in so brief a period, I am dating your brother!"

"All the better. You will be attractive, and unattainable. He will never bring home another girl again, and get a tiny taste of payback for how horrible he is to all other girls!" Ginny finished seeming all too pleased with herself.

"Fine. I'll try on your selections. Except for this one. A babydoll and thong is not entering my common room ever again. Not on me or anyone else!"

 Not on me or anyone else!"

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"Now Ginny I've been reasonable but what is this?"

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"Now Ginny I've been reasonable but what is this?"

"Now Ginny I've been reasonable but what is this?"

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"That, you may never have to wear. But should you need it it must be in your possession. That is a man slayer."

"It barely covered my arse! It is sheer down the middle of the front! It covers less than my underwear!"

"Yeah we probably need to do something about that too."

"Absolutely not Ginerva! I will let you pick out my clothing, but I draw the line at underwear!" Ginny visibly cringed at the use of her real name.

"Fine.. the granny drawers can stay for now."

"Good. Now can I get dressed? I think we've done more than enough shopping for the day, and I'm suddenly very hungry again."

"Madame Rosmerta's it is." Ginny agreed smiling, and backing away from the dressing room.

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