Authors Note

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Hey guys!
I have finished every chapters outline through the end of the book,  and am very pleased with where the story is going and I hope you all will enjoy it too! For the sake of the next few chapters coming up ahead I must make a disclaimer. I am not JK Rowling. I write with my own elements, and if it hasn't been previously noticed I adore fairy tales. In the next few chapters their will be an occurrence that does not line up with Rowling's version of magic and wizardry.
For those that will be terribly bothered by this I apologize, but will not change how I want it written. For the most part I hope everyone enjoys it!
Also I have been reading comments on people who don't like Pansy's character role. This normally wouldn't be the type of thing I address (there will always be critics), but in this case I make an exception as that multiple readers seem concerned. I write chapters as far as 20 in advance before I post. When I update a chapter I never have less than four more waiting. Before assuming, wait to see what is coming. I hate one sided villains in stories and am not about to write one in my own. Neither is Pansy my story's villain. More like the appetizer before the main course.

Despite how it may seem, I assure you this story is far from over, and could soon take a new direction, so I hope we are all in it together for the long haul! Thank you guys for the love!


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