Chapter 49

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"Hermione, wake up." When she opened her eyes Draco's silvery hair loomed over her in the moonlight.

"Draco, it's only four in the morning."

"Which is perfect. We will make it in time to watch the sunrise."

"Where?" Hermione said sitting up, and stretching.

"Bali, Indonesia. Up for an adventure, book worm?"

"Just go? Right now? Are you crazy! We will miss graduation!"

"Let's just think about it. We just finished our last exams ever at Hogwarts. You've been stressing yourself to the max this past month. Studying, planning a wedding with Ginny, and looking for a house and job after Hogwarts. You got it all done. You could stay to wear dress robes, and be handed a diploma, and I know that is important to you. But is it what you really need? I don't think it is. I think it's time to do something fun. Ginny agreed to let you out of her sight as long as you are back for the bachelorette party, which you will be. C'mon babe, this will be great for us both."

She thought about it for a moment. She had always dreamed of graduation. But her graduating class was not the same one she started in. Many were dead. And her parents wherever they were did not know she even existed. She look back at Draco with newfound excitement, before hopping out of bed and tying a robe around herself.

"How are we getting there?"

"By firebolt. Then apparition. We will be there faster than you can imagine. Just use a packing spell and we are on our way."

"What do I bring?" She asked while non verbal summoning her suitcase.

"Think warm. Warmer than you've ever been. On second thought just bring underwear, and summer pajamas. I'll take you shopping in the morning once we get there."

Hermione did as she was told, and a few minutes later was standing before him still in her robe, suitcase in hand.

The two ran up to the astronomy tower and climbed onto his broom together. She was trying to hide her fear. She hated brooms.


"As I'll ever be."

With that Draco leaped into the air, and they were off. Hermione's fear quickly dissolved as she realized flying with Draco was a smooth experience. Once fully out of Hogwarts boundaries he landed the broom gently, and took her hand. Instantly the two were squeezing through a tube. When they appeared on the other end Hermione was standing on a beach. The sky while still dark was far more blue than black. Draco made himself comfortable on the sand, and smiled up at her.

"Take a seat. The show will begin shortly. Mango juice?"

"Sure?" Hermione said sitting by him.

"Miffy." Draco said calmly. Instantly the little elf in her baby blue dress appeared next to him with two cups of juice, and a strange looking bread.

"Why thank you, Miffy." Hermione said taking hers. As soon as the elf had left Hermione turned to him.

"You brought Miffy."

"Yes, in case we needed any assistance. Don't worry babe. She got here yesterday, and had a whole day to relax and explore."

Hermione instantly brightened. "By the way, where is here? I know we are in Bali, but where are we staying?"

"The sun will answer all your questions." He smirked.

Slowly an orange line formed on the horizon. That orange line became the most beautiful sunrise she had ever seen. The ocean reflected the sky in all its brilliance. Pink, lavender, orange, gold, and red. And as he had promised as the sun came up, she could see over the water a beautiful little hut.

"Want to take a look inside?" He said standing to his feet, and offering her his hand.

They walked down the little pier over the water until they reached the hut.

Much like the Weasley's tent, the house was much bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. But the decor was suitable to the location. Far different from Malfoy's clean and modern black and white.

"The bedroom is upstairs. We can unpack, and take a nap before we start the day."

The second floor consisted of of a master bath and bed. They quickly unpacked, and Hermione threw herself into the cushy king sized bed. Still in her night gown she was quickly able to fall back to sleep as Draco curled up near her.

When they woke up the sun was high in the sky. Miffy had left them lunch to eat before their shopping trip.

"Wait. What am I going to wear?" She asked.
"I only brought pjs, and underwear!"

He grinned and reached into his suitcase to retrieve a a button down shirt of his with a floral pattern. He tossed it to her.

"This should be long enough."

Hermione began to protest, but when in Bali, you do as the silly boyfriend suggests.

The shirt was long enough. But not terribly cute on her. She peered around the room for anything to spruce it up when she noticed the the curtain ties. Burlap ribbons. She quickly untied one and retied it around her waist. A flower plucked from out the window tucked behind her ear, and she was ready to go.

"An island beauty." Was Draco's response. The two apparated into a nearby town, where Hermione got her first look at inland Bali.

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