Chapter 10

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*warning slightly graphic injury description*

A week later Hermione made her way up to the Head's common room after dinner, and opened the door only to hear a much different moan than the previous times. A low groan of pain. She fumbled to get the door opened, and stumbled into the room.

"Malfoy are you in here? Merlin what happened to you!"

Malfoy was lying on the white floor with blood seeping out from a very obviously broken leg.

"Quidditch practice." He grimaced.

"Why did you come here! Why not go to the infirmary! Malfoy that is not just a little scrape, you need proper healing!"

"After everything that happened in the past few years, Pomfrey isn't my biggest fan... Granger.. I've seen you heal before. You're good. Would you please try to fix this?"

"You waited for me to get home? That's so foolish! What if I had stayed the night with Ginny!"

Malfoy bowed his head at her scolding, and then grimaced again in obvious pain.

Hermione braved another look at the broken flesh, and terrible lump where the bone was protruding after a clean snap. He may have been a fool but she had to try.

"Wait right here!"

"As if I have any other choice, Granger."

She fought the urge to roll her eyes, and ran to their bathroom. Dittany just in case, and 4 ibuprofen. Muggle drugs weren't always useful in the wizarding world but this would help relieve pain and swelling. She raced back to him and knelt on the ground beside him drawing her wand.

"Tergeo." She spoke clearly. Squeezing her eyes shut as the dirt and blood removed itself showing a large open gash in his leg. She took a deep breath pointed her wand at the broken bone, and carefully as she could whispered "Brackium Emendo."

Malfoy let out a hiss of pain as a cracking sound in his leg suggested Hermione had done exactly what she had intended to and mended the bone.

"This might sting a bit, but it will heal your leg up with just barely a scratch." She warned before dropping a single drop of dittany onto his leg where the gash was.

She watched his eyes widen as his leg healed right in front of his eyes, and without meaning to let out a small laugh.

"Granger I've grown up around magic... that is still amazing."

"Dittany is quite impressive. I try to use it as little as possible though. Now swallow these with some water, they are muggle medicine, but they will provide great pain relief for the soreness you are going to be experiencing in that leg."

He did as she said without question.

"You've had to use that stuff before?" He said referring once again to the dittany.

"Yes." She said quietly. "While Harry, Ron, and I were in hiding looking for horcruxes. Ron splinched during apparation, and it took a chunk from his arm. Scared me nearly to death."

She moved to help him onto the couch, as he asked:

"You really love the weasel don't you?"

She let go of him abruptly letting him drop onto the couch, then nodded.

"I was only just realizing it then. At the risk of losing him if I didn't do something."

She shook her head as if to clear he thoughts.

"You rest. I'm going to clean up the floor, and then do homework. Don't move until morning."

"Yes, mother." He said sarcastically.

She was able to quickly get up the blood from the floor before going to take a shower herself. As she sat down at her desk later that night to do her homework in a sleepy haze, she found that her mind kept drifting to Malfoy's question about Ron.

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