Chapter 48

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Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and  Pansy spent a lot of time together over the next few days. Every night they slept over in Hermione's living room to study, and plan.

"Pass the potions notes please, 'Mione. Slughorn is being so cryptic on what his test is going to be on I just want to know everything." Groaned Pansy, who was sprawled across the rug.

"Ginny, are you certain you want to do a club in America for the bachelorette party?" Hermione asked while passing her notes to Pansy.

"Absolutely! They were way more fun, besides, American guys dig British accents."

"Ginny!" They all yelled.

"We are all in relationships!" Luna said wagging a finger at her.

"Two of us engaged!" Pansy reminded her.

"Okay but that is the point of a bachelorette party." Ginny retorted while thumbing through her history of magic notes.
"To have fun and be wild one last time, before being committed forever."

"I hate to say this guys, but it is her party. If she wants American clubs, then that's what we do. But they have to be wizarding clubs. Muggle clubs don't let eighteen and seventeen year olds in."

"Okay so we have a location. How about outfits?" Luna continued throwing her transfiguration notes across the room.

"I want to wear white." Ginny said simply.

"We could wear metals?" Pansy suggested.

"Like I will wear Silver, Luna can wear bronze, and Hermione you can wear gold. Like our house colors."

"I like that!" Hermione said.

"So do I." Luna agreed.

"Okay so the wedding is two weeks after graduation on Saturday. So how about we go on Thursday?" Ginny offered.

Everyone agreed, so the girls moved on to new topics.

"So tell us about the honeymoon. Where is Harry taking you?" Pansy asked.

"He is planning it entirely in secret. I literally won't know until we get there. He is even packing for me."

"Well then you are in trouble. Take it from someone who lived with Harry for months, he's okay with only having two shirts and a pair of jeans. I'll volunteer to help pack you."

"And that is why you are maid of honor. Not only are you my best friend but you have extensive knowledge of the inner workings of my groom."

That one made all the girls giggle, and the noise startled Stella asleep by the fire place.

Her taking off running across the common room resulted in a game of tag with Crookshanks. While the tiny puffskein could be ignored running about the enormous ginger cat could not.

As papers, pastries, and pumpkin juice flew to the floor all hopes of further accomplishing things were gone.

But the girls enjoyed cleaning up the mess nonetheless, and were all fast asleep in front of the fire place when Draco made it back to the common room.

He chuckled under his breath before beginning the task of getting each girl to a couch and covering her with a blanket.

He finally lifted Hermione from the floor as gently as he could, trying to avoid dislodging Stella who had fallen asleep in her mess of curls. He carried her down to her bedroom, and laid her on the bed. A quick kiss to her forehead, and he was off to his room to go to bed himself.

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