Chapter 30

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Hermione woke the morning after extremely annoyed. Draco had slammed the door on her the night before without a single answer! She was still steaming in bed when she remembered the brunch with the Weasley's.

She quickly jumped out of bed, and used her wand to straighten her hair, and quickly applied a simple, but attractive makeup. She went for her closet and prepared to reach for jeans before stopping.

The whole point of this was to make Ron jealous was it not? And would it be awful to leave Malfoy speechless as well?

Hermione quickly reached for the outfit she never expected to wear.

When she left her bedroom she was surprised to find Malfoy sitting on the couch already dressed. And even more surprised by what he was wearing.

Draco Malfoy was mouth watering in blue jeans, and a soft looking red t shirt. His shoes were still nice, and his wizarding watch had the look of a family heirloom but those were the only things that distinguished his clothing from any other persons.

"Uh, Hermione. Has that always been a part of your wardrobe?" He asked a little slowly.

Hermione examines herself.

"Got it over the summer with Ginny in New York

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"Got it over the summer with Ginny in New York. Like it?"

"Uh, Yeah." He replied without looking at her. "So are you ready to go?"

"As I'll ever be."

The two stepped into the fireplace. (They had the only other floo accessible fireplace in the school.)

"The Burrow." Hermione said clearly, and off they went.

When they stepped through the fireplace they had only a minute to examine the surroundings before Ginny and Harry noticed them.

"Hey 'Mione, hey Draco. You guys look great this morning! Sleep well?"

"Extremely." Hermione lied.

"You two look pretty good as well."
Draco responded. Hermione and Ginny were shocked. Harry stared at Draco for a moment then laughed.

"Don't go soft on me now, Malfoy. I've hated you for too long for us to start being buddy-buddy. Even if I am doing a great job pulling off the messy hair trend."

"Don't let your ego over inflate, Potter. I still don't like you. But Hermione is my girlfriend, and Ginny is pretty cool. So you simply have to be tolerated."

"That I can shake on."

The girls watched with interest, as the men shook hands for a brief second.

"Now I didn't expect to ever see that. But I guess if Harry can shake your hand, so can I."

George had emerged from his bedroom. He made his way over to Draco to do exactly as he had said before turning to Hermione with a smile on his face.

"Been a long time, lioness."

She quickly moved to give him a giant hug. "Too long George."

Harry spoke, "We should go into the dining room now. Food is almost ready I'm sure."

Draco reached to take Hermione's arm, but George beat him to it.

"Hope you don't mind Malfoy, but my dearest brother would roll over in his grave if the prettiest girl in the room wasn't escorted by me."

Hermione blushed, and laughed at Draco's respectful bow, as he let George lead the way escorting Hermione.

When they arrived Molly Weasley's eyes tuned in on Draco.

"So it is true then. You two have begun to see each other." She said coldly, glaring in his direction.

"Yes, Molly." Hermione said softly. Before she had a chance to continue Draco stepped towards Mrs Weasley.

"Mrs Weasley, the damage my family has done to yours is unforgivable, and I alone can not begin to make up for it. My aunt set fire to your house. My father gave your daughter a horcrux."

Ginny's eyes widened from across the room. She had long since forgiven Malfoy. She had no idea he had ever discovered what happened.

"But I stand before you to ask your forgiveness for my unkindness, and lack of decorum towards your family. There are no excuses for my past behavior, but I want to promise you, that neither I nor my family will ever stand against you again. My mother sends you this," he pulled out a box from his bag. "It is a very old brooch, and throughout pure blooded history has been passed as a symbol of truce between families. I do hope you will consider wearing it."

Molly stared at him for a moment with little expression on her face. Then she slowly nodded. He stepped forward to pin it onto her robes. When he finished before he could step away, she enveloped him in one of her motherly hugs.

Mr Weasley entered the room that moment, and blankly stared at the incredibly odd scene before him.

"Well, while you might not be my preferred house guest, Mister Malfoy, you have arrived before my own son to my home, so I must commend you for that."

"You can lose the formality Mr Arthur," Hermione giggled, "Draco was up before me this morning ready to go."

"It's an honor to sit at your table, sir." Draco responded and Molly grinned.

"So exciting having a gentleman in the house! Not to insult you, George dear. I'm extremely proud of your business."

"I've meant to ask you about that since we arrived." Draco said interest appearing on his face. "How is the shop?"

"Business is booming. All new products about to launch next week. I've got the burns to prove it." He chuckled at the last part.

Hermione marveled at how well Draco was doing with the Weasleys. From the stairs came Percy with Penelope on his arm smiling. "Hermione, Draco! Nice to see you. Particularly together. You know Mr Crouch always did say... I'm only kidding!" He finished, alarmed by his family's furious stares.

From behind them came a lovely laughing voice. "'Ermione! 'Ow are you dear girl?"

"Just fine, Fleur. How is the little girl coming along?" She asked smiling brightly as she gestured to Fleur's swollen belly.

"She is too big. I swear she is going to be ze size of a 'ippogriff."

"She also swears it is entirely my fault. Nice to see you, Hermione." Bill said giving her a quick hug.

"Come! Sit! Food is ready!" Molly called out to them excitedly.

As Draco sat down at the table along side the family he felt a tiny pang of sadness. The warmth and fluidity of conversation around the table as the foods were passed was nothing like how he had grown up. Hermione seemed to notice this, and placed her hand over his on the table, searching his eyes for the cause of his sadness. To his left he was tapped by Harry.

"You are going to want to try this bacon. Mrs Weasley cooks it with brown sugar and maple."

Malfoy for once did as he was told and added it to his growing plate. Eggs, beans, toast, and sausage joined it.

"Mrs Weasley, this very well might be the best breakfast I have ever had." He said a few bites in, meaning every word.

"Thank you dear boy." She responded blushing.

Arthur smiled at him with a true warmth. Anyone who made his wife happy, he liked.

Hermione was preparing to ask Percy to pass the tea when a voice cleared behind her.

"I see you have started without us."

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