Chapter 40

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Hermione Granger did not leave her bedroom for three days. Three school days. Ginny and Luna visited near daily, but Hermione refused to open the door. Pansy and Draco had publicly announced their relationship, and she didn't want to hear it. She already had to hear Pansy's disgusting mewls of pleasure at night. Pansy has won in a battle Hermione hadn't even known she was fighting.

The fourth morning after Hermione had overheard their conversation a different knock came from her bedroom door.

"Hermione. Please open up. I need to talk to you." Ron said from the other side of the door.

Hermione glanced in a mirror at her reflection. The bags under her eyes were enormous, and without the magical maintenance her hair had returned to its wild and unruly state. It was not a pretty picture to behold, but who did she have to impress. Without rising she unlocked the door. Ron examined the situation.

"Alright first order of business. Ginny said you haven't been eating. So, here. English muffin. Fresh from the oven. Also a banana nut muffin. You eat, then we talk."

Hermione began to protest, but her stomach made its presence known at the smell.

"Thank you, Ron." She said quietly, and began to eat.

"No problem. You can't live off tea alone. Now you eat, I'll talk. Hermione, I'm sorry for my behavior towards you. It was in every way wrong. But please let me make it up to you. If nothing else let it be your revenge. I can see Draco hurt you, losing Pansy hurt too. Let us be each other's shoulder to cry on. We can rebuild. They are the villains here, and everyone can see that. Let's do what we do best. Let's be heroes again."

Hermione sniffled.

"Ron, that's a quite a pep talk, but it isn't that simple. Draco hurt me, but so did you. I can't just jump from one guy to the next."

"Then don't. Let's just hang out. Catch up. There is going to be a Valentines Party in Hogsmeade in a week. If you are feeling better about it, about me, by then, then I'd love to escort you. If not then I will humbly back out."

Hermione smiled at her old friend.

"Really? Well.. then great! Now how about you go take a shower and get dressed. The world has been continuing on the past few days, and I would recommend you go back to class."


A few days passed and Hermione had successfully re-emerged into society with Ron's help. Her grades hadn't dropped in the least, and her appearance was properly tamed. Possibly a little more than tamed. She had gone to great lengths to ensure she was glowing. Utterly beautiful for the eye to behold.

Ron ate dinner with her nightly and sent her owls every morning with gifts to the great hall. She was beginning to look forward to evenings to see him again. It wasn't what she had with Draco. There was no spark. But it was something. And that was all she really needed.

That night when Ron came to se her, Hermione was ready.

"Ron." She said as he ate.

"I've been thinking. I want to go to the party. If you still want to go with me that is."

"Yes! I mean, sure. That sounds pretty good."

"I'm glad. Pick me up at seven?"

"Of course."

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