Chapter 7

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Hermione's week went by in a blur. She had always been the top of the class, Malfoy right behind her, but still! The ferret had managed to out do her on their first class of seventh year, and many more after that! Only just that day, in Defense Against the Dark Arts, had he "written a better paper on werewolves". She had spent quality time with one! She was still fuming when she reached the common room after dinner, and opened the door.

A girl's shrill moans grated her ears, as she saw a flash of flesh on the couch, and short dark hair. She quickly slammed the door loudly as possible, screaming the whole time, before running away from the door.

Malfoy had brought Pansy back to their dorm to shag! Had he not learned his lesson from Astoria!

Hermione's blood began to boil but before she could explode a wave of sleepiness washed over her. Malfoy needed to pay, but she needed to sleep. She turned and headed to the one place she knew she was always welcome: Ginny.

Ginny was crawling into bed when she heard a knock on her door.  Followed by a sleepy voice.  "Gin, it's Hermione. Please let me in."

"Mione isn't it past your bedtime? What brings you here?" Ginny asked opening the door to let her in.


"That's all I need to hear. You can tell me more in the morning. Parvati is sleeping with Padma tonight so you can have her bed."

"Thank you, Gin. You really are the best." Hermione said, settling in to bed.

"That's what they tell me. Are we still going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?"

Hermione contemplated the week for a minute before responding.


* A/N *
Sorry for the short chapter, but I wanted to put something out while I work ahead on the next few much longer chapters! I appreciate your reads and would love to hear any feed back you have! 😊

     Love, Laney💚

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