|There Is A Light That Never Goes Out|

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Jack Napier was a guy of simple tastes.

He adored life, simply put. He wasn't flashy at all, and he was the most humbling person one could ever meet. His parents were natives of Brooklyn,New York-his hometown holding something very special to him. Wherever he went, he wore the biggest smile. He was so exuberant, so very intelligent.

He knew he wanted to do something good for others, something that could help people in silence. He never pushed for recognition. Jack Napier just did things out of pure love. He was just that type of guy. The young man enlisted into the Marine Corps when he was just 18. The following year, he met the love of his life.

Jane Amethyst Penn was sunshine on legs, as Jack would describe her as. She always glowed. It could've been storming out, the skies a pitiful grey and the sidewalks and roads drenched with cold rain-but Jane would make you feel like it was the hottest, sunniest day in July. The young woman was immediately drawn to Jacks persona. She always though of him to be so charming, despite his title.

Jane and Jack were just two young kids when they met, and boy did they just dive into love. There was nothing either of them could do wrong in their eyes, they were just two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly.

After two years of being in a relationship, and being in the Marines, Jack would be desperate. He asks Jane Penn to marry him on his first detour, through a sweet letter in the mail. Jane couldn't believe her eyes. Then again, sometimes the words seemed to shift on the page before her eyes from reading them so much. Though this was a fact, his question was answered.

The couple were wed in a small ceremony with their parents and close friends. Jack had to leave so soon, the next day to be exact-but that didn't stop the duo from becoming husband and wife. Nothing ever seemed to stop them.

Jack would stay up countless hours on camp, the small light of his lamp illuminating the otherwise black atmosphere as he wrote seamlessly against the ivory paper. His Jane would never miss a day without a letter explaining how much he loved her. He would lie awake at night just thinking about her wide smile and big brown eyes. Jack wanted nothing more than to start a family with the woman of his dreams.

His dream was quickly ripped apart on the fateful day of May 16 2002. He was seated with his team in a van on an excursion in Iraq. He had told Jane that he wasn't sure of where he was going, but he knew one thing for certain-he would be back for her.

Jack never saw it coming. He was always aware that his job was extraordinary-that danger followed him in every waking hour of the day and even in the steady hours of the night. This, unfortunately, was not in his foresight.

Himself and his team were ambushed, their truck blown up in an instant as they neared their target of interest. Jack was disoriented, his mind and body not in sync as all he could think about, lying there in the dirt and smoke-was Jane.

His everything.

The smell of fire and smoke, mixed with the horrid smell of burning flesh was all too overwhelming for Jack Napier. He tried his best to stand, to signal for help-but it was useless. The enemy forces were quick to capture him and do the absolute worst to the man.

They hadn't spoken English, but they knew one phrase clearly. They repeated it to the man over and over as they sliced his mouth with such pride, they enjoyed watching Jack writhe before them.

"Pretty boy, pretty boy, pretty boy!-"


Time slowed since that day.

Jack Napier just wasn't the same person anymore. He felt duped, like he was being punished for something he had no knowledge of doing. His wife was always there, every second of the day and into the night-Jane stood right by Jacks side.

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