| Metaphors |

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I smile at him,placing my hands on my hips as I twist my lips in thought.

"Don't do it." I mumble as he holds the water hose at me, slightly setting pressure on the trigger as it spews forward briefly, making me jump away from the space.

"No." I press, pointing at him now as he nods, a small smile on his face as he goes to place the nozzle down. I relax for a moment before my body tensed, his hand switching its movements as he sprayed me with laughter.

"Stop it!" I exclaim, my chest rumbling with laughter as he grabs my waist, tugging me into the sprinkler system as I gripped at his forearm,my head snapping back as it rested on his shoulder.

Both drenched, I grabbed the hose and sprayed him back, his white shirt leaving nothing to the imagination as he grabbed me again, our bodies sticking together as we fought over the nozzle with loud laughter.

"You're making a mess-this is supposed to be a gardening session-ROBIN!" I laughed loudly as he continued to fight with me, resulting in me losing my footing, falling onto the wet grass with a red face from laughter. He fumbled besides me, both of us face up in the grass as the water spewed around us.

For a moment I forgot who I was, and it felt beautiful. I was no longer Veronica Wayne but just a normal person laughing and living in a wonderful kind of moment with someone I cared about,someone I love.

I turn my face, meeting his lazy gaze as he rested his hand on his chest. Staring at me like I was the brightest star in the sky, and he was the only one who could truly see me.


I'm never the one to just jump into situations without thoroughly checking facts and fiction. I'm responsible and I'm capable to do things successfully on my own.

I kept repeating the same phrase to myself as I ventured into the charred halls of what once was the most beautiful place in Gotham City : The Botanical Gardens.

I couldn't help but reminisce on the many trips I took here when I was younger with my father, Alfred and even my mother,Rachel. It was a wonder I never quite understood. It was fascinating to me that something so beautiful could be so deadly, and the atmosphere was nonetheless enthralling to a younger version of myself. It was bright and open, filled with an abundance of color and textures. A world of its own.

This was the place where I found my love peonies and roses, both flowers holding so much life and still remaining absolutely beautiful. I always told my father that I wanted to be a peony when I grow up, not fully understanding that the notion is physically impossible to obtain. Times were so much easier back then,it seems.

The soles of my Chuck Taylor's crunched obscenely against the ash and ruin on the once sparkling marble floor, as I stepped forward and waved my flashlight around.

"How am I doing so far?" I whisper as I hear a huff in my ear.

"I think you're doing alright. Especially since this place is abandoned," Harper mocks sarcastically in my ear to which I roll my eyes.

"Wow, thanks for being a great support system,Harp. I'll remember that when you get lost again on your daily scourges."

She chuckles as I turn a corner of the corridor, my mood shifting entirely as I witnessed a door that was covered in vines a few yards away from me. The vibrant green of the plants stood out drastically against the ebony soot that covered the walls and floors.

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