Chapter 1

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I woke up from my sleep at the trap house. Me and my gang come here for drug deals and business. You really think we would actually sell drugs at our house? Please! We'll get killed!

I went downstairs and seen almost half of everybody sleep. The only ones that were up was Prince, Nia and Shakira. I looked at them.

Me : Why the hell they sleep?

Shakira : Weren't you sleep?

Me : Don't turn nothing on me. Anybody made any sells?

Prince : Not really.

I sighed and shook my head.

Me : Wake they asses up and tell them to get busy before I come back or Ima wake them up and they won't like it.

Prince : Where you going?

Me : I'm gonna give this dime to my brother and head to McDonalds for a coffee.

Shakira : Ooh! Tori bring me back a breakfast plate please!

Nia : Me too!

Me : Prince you want anything?

Prince : A coffee?

Me : Alright. I'll be back.

I then left to my Momma house. My brother Drew is 19. Reason why he still living with my moms is cause he can't find a job. He wants to sell and work with me and my crew but I didn't want him to cause I want him to do better than me. Even though smoking ain't doing better but that's him. We two years apart which makes me 21. Him and my Momma are all I got and the gang too of course. If anything happens to one of them, Ima raise hell no matter what.

 I made it to my Momma house and knocked on the door. When the door opened it was Drew. He had some loud ass music playing.

Drew : Tori! What's up sis?

Me : What up what up. Where Momma?

Drew : Work. Come on in.

I walked in the house and went to the front room. In there was some of Drew's friends and some chicks on top of them. I looked at Drew crazy

Me : The hell you got hoes in here for?

Drew : Man chill. They with my friends.

I looked at him then the girls again. I then just shook my head and pulled out the bag of weed.

Me : Don't smoke this in my Momma house. You know she'll kill you.

Drew : I know. We about to head to the back anyway.  

I nodded and have him the weed. He gives me $45. What? It's a big dime bag.

(For the record ..  Idk how much a dime is frfr. I wanna say 10. And a dub is 20..but other than that idk. So dont think I smoke cause I don't. Not yet lmaoo)

Drew : Thanks sis.

Me : No problem. I'll talk to y'all later. Hug Momma for me.

He nods and I left. I then walked up to McDonalds. I was in need of a coffee right now. When I got to the register it was this cashier with bad ass acne and red hair. She smiled at me. I smiled back.

Girl : What can I get you cutie?

Me : Umm..let me get two breakfast plates, a coffee and a caramel mocha. 

Girl : $5.09

I gave her a 10 and told her to keep the change. When I was about to take a seat, I turned around and bumped into somebody hard. I fell to the floor and hit my elbow.  That shit hurt! When I got up, I heard a girl whine. I looked and seen that I bumped into her cause she was rubbing her elbow. I helped her off the floor.

Me : You ok?

?? : Yea. I wasn't looking I'm sorry.

Me : Never say you sorry. Cause you not sorry.

She smiles and nods her head. She has some deep dimples and blonde hair. She was cute.

?? : I'm Zonnique.

Me : Victoria. Call me Tori though.

We shook hands and she smiled again. I smiled back and then noticed it was people behind her.

Me : Oh! You about to order?

Zonnique : Mhmm.

I moved out her way and she ordered. The cashier got her order then looked at her.

Girl : $3.04.

Zonnique was about to pull out her money but I stopped her and gave the cashier a 5. She gave me my change and I gave Zonnique the change. She looked at me.

Zonnique : You didn't have to do that.

Me : I wanted to though.

She blushed and nodded. While we waited on our food, we talked some and laughed. Minutes later, we got our food.

Me : You walked here?

Zonnique : Yea. Why?

Me : I wanted to walk you home. If that's ok with you.

She smiles again showing her dimples and nods her head saying ok. We then walked and talked. She is a sweet and fun girl. When we got to her house. Her house wasn't far from mine. I then looked at her.

Me : Umm....would you like to go out sometime?

Zonnique : *blushes* Sure. I'd like that.

Me : How's tomorrow?

Zonnique : Sound's great.

I smiled and gave her my number. She gave me hers and then kissed my cheek. I blushed myself. She giggles then goes in the house. When I looked down, I seen the food and coffee still in my hands. Damn! I quickly ran to the trap house.

When I got there, I seen everybody up and chilling in the front. They saw me and then the food in my hands.

Prod : That's ours?

Me : Nope.

I gave Nia, and Shakira their food and Prince his coffee.

Nia : Yay!

Shakira : What took you?

Me : I was caught by somebody.

Prince : Who's the somebody? 

Me : A girl that's all.

When I looked back at the sleeping beauty gang, they glared at me. I glared at they asses back.

Me : The hell y'all problem?

Ray : Ain't no food for us?

Me : Y'all wasn't up when I left.

EJ : That's cold Tori.

Me : Life's cold EJ.

Keke : You really didn't get us nothing Tori?

Maiah : All the shit we've done for you?

Shakira : Y'all get off my boo bae. She gives y'all shit too.

Nia : Y'all really mad over food? It's a whole fridge of food in there. Knock yourselves out. *kisses my cheek* Thank you Tori.

Me : No problem no problem.

They looked at me then huffed. I just smiled cause of Nia and Shakira.

Paris ; I guess I'm cooking.

Maiah : Me and Keke behind you.

I then let the subject go and went up to check my drops for this week.



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~ Xoxo

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