Chapter 16

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The next morning, Eric showed up at my cell. 

I'd spent the night staring up at my life and just breathing. Feeling nothing. All the energy had drained from my body after yesterday's excursion outside my cell. I'd thought about everything that'd happened in the last week, and cried and cried and cried, until there was nothing left, and I was just an empty vessel, trapped in a dark place because of a special mind. 

I didn't look at Eric. I didn't listen to his sadistic words or his attempts at getting a rise out of me. It didn't matter. Even when I felt his hand on my backside, I only delved further within myself, trying to bury my mind in the cushions of my body, to build a home within my flesh and blood and skin and never resurface. 

Today was only a reclined chair, a screen where they would most likely view what was happening within my mind, and beside it, a tray of four different syringes. Jeanine must've been working hard these past few days. Without being told, I sat down, feeling the cold metal beneath me. 

"Today I'll be trying out some of the strongest, most targeted simulation serums I've ever created. They'll be suppressing certain parts of the brain, especially the prefrontal orbital cortex. If this works, then we'll have a fully functional universal serum."

I would've snorted, or added a snide remark, but I just closed my eyes, waiting for the needle. 

"You're rather quiet today, Ms. Eaton," she commented as she personally prepared the syringe for injection. 

I opened my eyes, staring blankly at Eric who stood in the corner of the room. He looked away. 

Jeanine kept on babbling, probably giddy from testing out her new toy. "You know, Catherine, I've reviewed your aptitude test dozens of times. Though you said you got four results, all except Candor, when I review your decisions, you do tell the truth when the man on the bus asks you. The footage was a little distorted, but when the computer technician restored it, it's clearly there. I think your test administrator must've been panicked and not correctly stated your results. You have aptitude for all five, Catherine."

The girl who entered this building may have been bewildered at the thought, but the girl who sat in this chair just let out a long sigh. 

Soon enough, Jeanine was leaning over me, a quizzical frown on her face. She tapped the syringe a few times then inserted the needle and pressed down the plunger. 


The grey house I grew up in looked no different now then it had three months ago. 

The same faded curtains and dusty couch. The long wooden dining table with nothing sitting atop it. Grey cupboards, small kitchen, stairs leading to three bedrooms, a single bathroom. This was the house of my nightmares. The house of my childhood. 

Marcus descended the stairs, fury in his eyes, and Bass trailed behind him, being dragged by the arm, and my heart stopped for a moment. I squeezed my eyes shut, blocking out the sounds of his mangled screams, remembering those days of torment. 

But then I remembered that they were no longer. I didn't live here. Bass was in Erudite headquarters. With Jackson. In a cell. I was in a chair with Jeanine by my side. 

One moment, the house was filled with screams. The next, fire consumed it whole. 


My eyes blinked open. Jeanine was gawking staring down at her watch. Then she closed her mouth, a frown etched deep lines in her cheeks. Even Eric, who seemed bored before, had his eyes narrowed and was standing upright, alrert. The two Dauntless guards that flanked the door stood there, amazed. 

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