Chapter 4

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Hey there,

I know I haven't been a good author. But it's been so busy these last few months, I really couldn't juggle everything, what with reading, school, dance, friends... But now I'm on summer break and I've got so much time to waste so hopefully there will be a lot more updates, and hopefully I'll finish this story before I leave for my cottage (where there's no wifi sadly). Anyway, enjoy!


When I sat down for breakfast, everyone was all smiles and laughs, trying to shake off the impact yesterday had made. Bass introduced me to some of his friends from initiation, Zeke and Shauna, and Tris introduced me to her friends, Christina, Uriah, Marlene and Uriah. I sat with them, looking for a new crowd and giving my other friends some space for a while.

"I didn't know you had a sister, Four," Uriah said after all the introductions were done. "A hot one, at that." He smirked playfully and wiggled his eyebrows. My cheeks heated and I managed a small, awkward smile. Marlene elbowed his ribs hard and everyone laughed.

"Don't you have a girlfriend Uriah?" Bass replied, not looking up from buttering his toast. A barely-there grin hung on his face.

"If he keeps acting like this, he won't," Marlene replied, then placed a kiss on his cheek. Uriah smiled and the two shared a loving glance.

The girl beside them, Lynn, cringed with disgust. "Get a room," she shook her head.

Christina giggled and took a bite from a strawberry. "What's the plan for today guys?" she said around the piece of fruit.

"I'm up for anything," Zeke nodded. "How about we..."

I zoned out. I wasn't interested in anything we could do to keep our minds off of what was happening. I couldn't stop thinking about Jackson. I just needed to know he was safe. I couldn't let it go.

Bass nudged me with his elbow. "You okay?" he asked lowly.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I'm worried." Shauna seemed to be animatedly talking about zip lining adventures.

"Bout what? We're all safe. Nothing to work yourself up for."

I lifted my eyes to him. "I'm scared. For Jackson."

His eyes seemed to harden at the mention of his name. I internally groaned. I forgot that he was totally pissed off at him.

"He'll be fine. And if he isn't, well he got what he deserved," he muttered the last part.

I wanted to yell at him but I just shook my head. "Whatever. I'm gonna go for a walk."

I picked up my tray and scooted back from the table.

"Wait, Cath, I didn't mean it like that, I just—"

"I'm not mad Bass. Just need to walk."

And so I did.

+   +   + 

A few hours later, I ended up on the third floor somehow, my mind moving to a thousand thoughts but focusing on none. I felt like there was something I was missing or forgetting, something that has been there but not there, something I couldn't quite mind was a hurricane. It'd been like that for the past few days. I couldn't make sense of the simplest things. Sometimes I'd pick up a piece of toast and forget what to do with it. Then I'd remember to butter it and eat it.

I turned a dark corner when the alarms went off. I froze in my tracks, forgetting what it symbolized. There were a few alarms at Candor which were explained to us the first day, but this one was an unfamiliar song to my ears.

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