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Niall's POV


Winter sucks.

The weather in Liverpool at this time of the year is deathly. I literally have to wrap myself up in thick scarves, and gloves, and the warmest of jumpers I could find at the store just to keep my body temperature up.

I can honestly feel minuscule ice particles forming on the prickles of the facial hair I'm finally growing. Bailey didn't like the mustache that was coming in a few weeks ago, so that has been shaven off and replaced by a fresh beard. I wouldn't go as far as to call it a real beard, though. More like...a patch.

Anyway, all of this has just gone to show that I dislike the cold weather.

So when Bailey eventually sat me down the other night after dinner and explained her feelings towards how we're looking at the wedding and when we should get cracking on the planning, I completely understood. We haven't started anything at all. It was odd, really. We have been engaged for months now yet no plans to move forward in the process had been thought over.

I knew I wasn't going to be much help for Bailey and I knew that she'd like to take control and thoroughly think things through, like she should.

The only thing I had to say before we started everything was to not have the wedding be in any winter or late fall months. And being that we're in England, only left us with a few options. Another thing, we couldn't get married during school.

But that left us with a difficult question: Do we simply wait until I've graduated, or wait another year for Bailey to graduate?

I wasn't going to have it, though. I waited close to a year to marry this woman and I'd be damned if I were to wait another gruesome twelve months.

So then we were left to the final conclusion. Bailey and I were to be married this summer, in July. Once that was decided, Bailey had leaned over across the table to give me a kiss, but I, of course, wanted more. Thinking back to that night we probably could have gotten more accomplished in the planning field, but I much better enjoyed what we did instead.

My thoughts and imagination of how hectic this summer break will be leading up to July is interrupted by the abrupt rustling of feet and books, and I glance up from my seat in the lecture hall to see that the class has been dismissed.

I pile together my own collection of books, stuffing them into my backpack and slinging it over my shoulder. Checking the time on my phone, I realize that I could pick up Bailey from her literature lesson since it's the end of the day. I just have to be quick.

I pass by slow students, brushing their shoulders. It's a short walk from my current building to the literature one where her class is ending in the next five minutes.

It's only been about a month since we started Uni, but we've adjusted rather well. She was scared about not knowing anyone and finding her way around, even though she's walked the course of her schedule about twenty times before.

We have one class together in the morning which is nice, and the professor is really chill so I get to sit next to her. In the back. Alone.

The two of us have gone out with a few different groups of people and they're all pretty nice. This one guy, called Louis is in one of my classes and he's a football junky so we've gone out to the pitch a few times to have a kick around. Overall, we're really happy in Liverpool.

My thoughts are paused when I reach the correct building. I rush through the doors to escape the blistering gusts of winds. There aren't many classrooms in this hall and I know exactly which one she's in. I walk down the dim corridor to the right door, leaning against the wall. The time is one minute till.

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