Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

Niall's POV

I knock hard on the door in front of me, receiving cold glares from students that roam the hallways this morning, not yet woken up completely. I shrug at them and adjust the straps of my backpack that rests on my shoulders. I pop a mint into my mouth just as the wooden door swings open in front of me. Bailey steps out, grabbing her bag and key on the way.

"Morning," I say as she twists around. Bailey locks her dorm room, slipping the key in a pocket of her jacket. After doing so, she looks up at me and stands on her tip-toes, just reaching my height. Her small, petite hands touch my shoulders delicately as our lips connect.

"Good morning," she smiles.

I take her hand in mine and lead the way out of Western Hall. The freezing wind nips at our uncovered faces, and I wish I had brought gloves or a hat. Bailey and I converse about our plans for the weekend. She's hanging out with Aubrey on Saturday.

"I have a football banquet on Sunday," I remember. "Will you come with me?"

She turns her head to the side and stares at me with an unsure look. "I don't know.. I'd like to come and be with you, but isn't it just supposed to be you guys and your coaches?"

"No. Three other guys are bringing their girlfriends," I counter. She sighs unsteadily, to which I frown. She's not happy, why isn't she happy?

"I don't think they like me," Bailey admits in a whispered voice. "Especially Chase."

I squeeze her hand that is slowly becoming numb in the cold weather.

"Chase doesn't know anything, Bailey. He doesn't know us. All he gives a fuck about is football."

She stays quiet. Some people walk towards us and I have to tug Bailey closer to me so they can pass. She doesn't look up at all from her feet that pave the sidewalk.

It bugs me that she doesn't even feel comfortable being with the team. Even when I'm there! I know Chase intimidates her and makes her feel terrible when he talks about football and how I chose her over it. But he'll just never know the feelings I have for the girl standing next to me. He'll never experience the rush of my heart beat when she walks in the room. He'll never have the urge to want to hold her every time she's feeling low.

I bring Bailey down a different path than the one we were taking that would lead to the Law building. She notices and her head raises.

"Where are we going?"

"I thought we could go get some coffee," I shrug.

"Oh, okay. But we can't be too long, class starts in ten minutes."

"We won't be late."

The heavy glass door opens wide and a ding of a bell goes off. A blast of heat from the vent on the ceiling hits us, and we slowly begin to defrost.

"Go take a seat, I'll be right there," I tell her, pointing to an empty table by the window.


I stand in line, keeping a close eye on Bailey as she drapes her bag on the back of her chair. Her long, brown hair is pulled to one side of her shoulder.

Finally, I get to the front and order her and I both coffees. I give the cashier the correct amount of change before slipping my wallet back into my jean pocket. I grab the two cups and carry them over to the table.

"Thank you," she smiles at me just as I sit down across from her. Bailey takes small sips at the steaming drink.

"They spelled my name wrong," I chuckle when I look at how they wrote it on the side of the cup. The handwritten letters spell out, Nile.

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