Chapter 71

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Chapter 71

Bailey's POV

I wake up the next morning due to the chilliness drifting around the small bedroom. Either that, or the lack of clothing I have on.

My bare body is lazily turned over on to my back, and my hands reach out to the side in search of another certain body.

When I find nothing, my eyelids pop open. In place of where Niall once laid, a crumbled note is situated.

I squint at the messily written words scribed on the scratch paper. It's his handwriting and it reads: Good morning, Beautiful. I didn't want to wake you up so I left this, but I'm off to my game. Don't start freaking out that you are missing it, I have to get there earlier as per usual. Alright, well I'm off and I'll see you soon, love. xxNiall P.S thank you for not getting dressed after we finished up last night ;)

I laugh to myself at his cheeky letter before checking the time. I've got an hour and a half to get ready and drive over to the stadium with Aubrey and Kyle.

I get dressed slowly, still waking up. When I look in the mirror to find that my shirt was put on backwards, I realize how badly I need coffee right now.

I fix my shirt, an LFC one, and trail down the steps to make breakfast. In the fridge, I find minimal scraps of food left over from the night before. The cupboards are bare and the pantry contains only a loaf of bread and some warm juice bottles.

Making a mental note to myself to take a trip out to the shop this afternoon, I settle for simple peanut butter toast.

When it's popped down in the silver toaster, I overhear faint footsteps descending down the staircase. I peer over my shoulder from the counter to see both Aubrey and Kyle saunter into the kitchen, dressed in tee shirts and jeans like me.

"G'morning," Aubrey yawns, pulling herself up on to one of the bar stools.

"Morning." I smile as Kyle reaches across me to get to the orange juice.

"What time are we leaving for the game?" Aubrey questions once I set down a plate of toast in front of her.

"I guess when we're done eating." I shrug, knowing that we don't have to rush.

"Are we going to have to queue?" Kyle asks, mouth full of juice.

In response to his question, I move over to one of the cupboards where we keep the junky stuff like batteries, matches, and scissors. I fish around the jam-packed drawer until finally claiming the ID's in my hand.

I turn around to face them with a smile on my face, holding them up in sight.

"Perks of being engaged to a football player." I grin and Kyle jumps off his seat to snatch the passes with awe glimmering in his eyes.

"You get VIP passes for every game?!"

"Not seat-wise. I sit in the common stands. These are for getting backstage before and after the games. I've met a few of the players before, actually," I say, finding it rather amusing how he's gaping at this new-found information shared.

"Can I be Niall's fiancé please? Honestly, you are living every guy's dream!" He turns the cards over in his hands as if testing them to be fake.

"Well then you're in luck because I'm gonna bring you two with me to see Niall before the game." I smirk to myself as Kyle just about dies in front of me.

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