Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

Bailey's POV

One Week Later

My body that blanketed another under me slowly rose to consciousness due to the brightness seeping in through my eyelids on the following Saturday morning. For minutes I tried to fight the loss of drowsiness and doze back off, but nothing worked. I didn't want to wake up and conquer the hopeful day because my fiancé was tucked under my warm body, mine covered by a thin duvet sheet.

My fiancé.

It's been seven days and that name now used for Niall hasn't gotten old. This past week has been one of the best ones of my life. It was the laziest collection of twenty four hours I've ever lived. Niall and I did absolutely nothing. Well, not exactly nothing but we reserved the first week in Liverpool for settling in, getting used to the city, and exploring. I found a really nice coffee shop down a few streets during one of my afternoon runs.

But besides small excursions like that, we've been at home watching countless reruns of old shows and movies.

The flat is amazing, exceeding all expectations I had presumed about it. I love the freedom. It's so quiet and nice and for some weird reason I actually enjoy doing the dishes. Yes, the house is small but there are only two people living here- it doesn't need to be a mansion. My favorite part of the whole flat is Niall and I's room. There are two clear windows looking out to the back garden and a wide bed with a clean white duvet. Thank God the closet is large, I never realized how many SnapBacks Niall owns. There's got to be more than fifty stacked in there. I don't even have that many shoes.

At times it gets a little hectic, with me cooking, dishes clattering, pans sizzling and then in the next room over Niall's trying to watch football on the TV. But somehow, we make it work.

And by work I mean I tell him that I'll stop cooking his meal until he goes upstairs to our bedroom and watches the game there.

So far, I have yet to call my parents and tell them about our engagement. Honestly, I don't want to at all in fear of their reactions. I may be young at only twenty one, but I'm ready for this life that is setting up before my eyes. I love it, I love being here, and I love Niall.

The only people that know that there's a diamond ring wrapped around my finger are Aubrey and Kyle. She was ecstatic, shouting how happy she was for me. I originally only spoke to Aubrey, but she's Aubrey and later went off to whisper the news to her boyfriend. I found out about that not even two minutes later when Niall got a text from Kyle saying congrats and everything.

"He wants to plan the bachelor party," Niall had groaned after getting off the phone with him.

I wasn't sure when the right time to call my parents was. And I knew for sure that I wanted to tell Danny. But every time I tried to sit down and dial their number, something came up. Either a text that distracted me, or Niall would walk into the room and ask me something.

"Bailey?" Niall's voice rings out from the top of the stairs. He's loud enough to snap me out of the daze I get when I'm reading. I hastily read the last sentence of the paragraph before answering.

"In the living room."

Footsteps clatter down the wood and in seconds he's opening the french doors and trudging in.

"I have to drive to the stadium to sign my contract," Niall notes. "You said you needed to stop by the campus? I could drop you off on my way."

"Yeah, do you mind? I forgot about that." I shut the book I've been invested in for three days now and stand up from the couch.

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